
This lens is great, thank you so much :)

They had a lot to do to extinguish the fire, although it was only a small one, but they did a pretty good job.

It was interesting to watch the helicopters flying, on the first day, but they came back the next morning and flew until the late afternoon - helicopters are quite loud as you might know from your time in the army ;)

Your making good use of that new lens :) it must have been so interesting to experience and yes i know how loud they can be both from the army and seeing and hearing ones flying around the city

I have seen some forest fires before, but never so close to my home, and I have never had such a good view on a fire before 😎
Yes, that lens is really great, when you are steady 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

And you seem to be very steady back in my army days I got called out to help with a couple of fie fighters real hard work and gave me a big respect for people that do that regularly

I say only one word: burst mode ... OK, these are two words ;) lol
You don't know, how many shots were bad ;)

Yes, firefighters have my full respect.

Ohh yes thats a mode I do forget about and should make more use of, I did see an Eagle this morning and it was sitting still looking down over the beaches, a 150--600 would have been great to have i must say LOL

I use this mode since I have the 150-600, and sometimes with the macro lens.

I haven't seen an eagle for ages, but I know some places in the mountains, where I could see one, if I am patient enough - that's another idea for my list. I think, now I should really start writing into my notebook ;)

The 150-600 would be great for eagles and other birds for sure, and I really must try burst mode with macros I had not really thought of that

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