Editing Your Photos

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Editing Your Photos


I though of a cool way to engage more with you fellow steemians.

As my followers already know I've become quite engaged with photography recently. The thing that I didn't realize in the beginning was that most photos we see online today are heavily edited and hardly resemble the original picture our camera took. I've demonstrated this with my "Make it Pop" series. For me it takes far more time to edit photos than to actually shoot them and it's really challenging to get the most out of every picture. But it's something that I enjoy and I'd like to challenge myself more.
So If you have some cool photos that you think might need some tinkering let me give it a try.
Post your photos in the comments or give me a link to your photo.
I will post all edited photos in my next "Editing Your Photos" post.

Some thoughts and rules:

  • maximum of 2 photos per user
  • whatever the subject or theme, but nothing controversial, offensive etc
  • edited photos will be posted in my next post
  • only post original photos
  • let me know if you have a specific wish what to do with your photos
  • the edited photos are yours to use :)
  • I'm looking forward for your photos!

    Hope you like my idea!
    Check out my other posts @sulev


Here, I'll donate this unedited photo. Have fun :)
I will edit and make a post, we'll compare later!

Great idea! :D

Try a colour and a black and white version, I like your b&w conversions... I'm having a bit of trouble with the noise in the sky, looking forward to seeing what you do with it :)

Cool :) See my page for my edits

Such a cool idea! I've taken my third photo for my Self-Portrait series but need help making it "pop" ;) I know I would like it in Black/White for sure but other than that, it's free game! This is the unedited version!

Cool photo, will try my best!

Like that ? :-)

Really great, improves the original by 300% unleashing all potential! :) I wish the original ray of light was softer and touched the models face.

That's pretty good, I wouldn't have thought about rotating like that.

my proposition :-)

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