A Drones Eye View of the FarmsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Drone Life

I got my father addicted to the drone life. He was a previously a pilot, and I knew he'd love getting up in the air again. I got him his first drone for Christmas, and he very quickly had to upgrade. He's been feeding me amazing aerial views of our small Ohio farm. I've encouraged him to go out and take additional shots of the town, the sports teams, and the area. But here are a few to begin with!


Bonus Video


That's amazing, my neighbor was flying his around the other day and I must have sat next to him for a good 10 minutes before saying anything. I'm in awe of those machines

Yea, it's amazing what they are capable of between GPS and cell tower connections. They practically fly themselves.

I need to play with one, where did you get it?

I started him off with a $100 dollar one from Target. It was much less fancy, but still allowed video and pictures to be taken from the air. He eventually crashed that one in the water and got an much more powerful drone off the internet.

nice photo
i want to buy a drone.
thank you

Love this. :-) I very much want a drone so I can keep an eye on my property.

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