Cat PhotoShare 30/8/2021

in #photography3 years ago

Photography or a image I feel often captures those treasured moments in ones life but I also find that just like the act of writing our collective pictures can also be an art-form. The beauty and meaning of photograph can be expressed and shared in many ways including "by not using any words".

While I do like photography I used to share images when I could that I captured day to day events, the feedback was mostly positive and I continued sharing these "Ulog type" photos.

Almost every picture as a story to tell, or at least that is what I have often been told by some of my regular followers when I first started sharing photos on here.
To those who have often said and expressed that to me I would have to agree with them.

Today 30/8/2021 I share this capture.

Cat Photography, B&W Tammy Funny , May 16 2017

Cat Photography, B&W Tammy Funny , May 16 2017.jpg

Images By: @simonjay

I actually managed to get a up a little earlier today which is good not because I have work but because I'm off and will be meeting a friend later and so I had the full morning to get what I needed done at home.
But to be honest I think I'm going to take things a little easier and so might meet my friend at a slightly later time, instead of spending these mornings rushing about to get out on time, because after all it's my day off.

The weather started today looking miserable and like it was about to rain any minute, but like I said lately if it begins miserable then it will most times get much warmer later.

Well I was wrong lol and so glad nobody asked for my advice because I complain how people should know by now how it works.
In the end once I left the house which was probably nearly 3 hours later then usual it started to rain, well not much only a few drops luckily this is how the day remained, coming back home was definitely fresher.

Anyway as for the picture today I share one of my cat Tammy, here we opened up a box which contained cat food and like many cats Tammy quickly got inside the box and made it "her box".
A few moments later I decided to rush in with the camera to capture her inside her new self claimed home.
As we can see from the picture above she was rather surprised by the camera.
These day's I'm glad that Tammy isn't spending her time by the banister downstairs, instead she now stays in one of the upstairs bedrooms.
It was Tammy who picked and decided she wanted to move back into the room where there were no other cats, and so I guess she wants to be by herself now.
If any other cat does venture into the room it disturbs her and she gets really mad, lol even letting us know.
But it's not just that as unfortunately sometimes Ryan and he's mother Mandy will sneak in there and will bully her, which is why I think she gets mad when other cats go into the room as she's basically worried she's about to get bullied again.
Strangely Mindy "who is Mandy's sister" and unfortunately no longer with us decided to one day ventured into the room and shockingly Tammy didn't mind having her in there, sometimes they even sat relatively close to each other.
I was glad that for a while Tammy had some company with her but with Mindy gone now she's basically on her own.
She's started more recently demanding human attention which is unlike her, if nobody goes to see her she will meow and meow alot.
I don't believe this is because Mindy is no longer keeping her company but admit I'm confused as to why she wants to be seen so much now.
Still when I can I will go in and pet her for a while as this seems to calm her down for a abit.

I often spend some of my time taking care of many abandoned cats who mostly all suffer from some form of psychological trauma and I sometimes share their life's moments here on Steemit.

Other Captures

Cat Photography, B&W Mandy Kitchen With Lifes Deep Thoughts, May 5 2017
Cat Photography, B&W Mandy Kitchen With Lifes Deep Thoughts, May 5 2017.jpg

Cat Photography, B&W Ryan Blanket, May 14 2017
Cat Photography, B&W Ryan Blanket, May 14 2017.jpg

Cat Photography, B&W Tinkerbell Towel, May 5 2017
Cat Photography, B&W Tinkerbell Towel, May 5 2017.jpg

Images By: @simonjay

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Hi @simonjay, that's a cute kitty...

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