Visiting deep inside the Sundarbans & spent days with Bawali - Episode #24 [Last Episode]

in #photography6 years ago

In the last October-November I visited Sundarbans, the world's one of the largest mangrove forest. It was also declared as world heritage site by UNESCO in 1997. In this forest a numerous wildlife species exist - birds, reptiles, fishes, amphibians and also the king of the forest "Royal Bengal Tiger". The ganges dolphins & crocodiles are also living in the canals of Sundarbans. Chital is a one kind of spotted deer living in this forest. The rural life in the area of this coastal forest is also very attractive. They basically maintain their lives by collecting honey, woods and fishes. In the native language they are called as Bawali. I spent some days with them. Here I share some of my tour photographs of Sundarbans and Bawali --

Bawali's life on the boat in the jungle : Spending their leisure time by Smoking, Gossiping and Sleeping

Camera : SONY
Model : DSC-W710
Location : Sundarbans, West Bengal, India
Snap Taken : 10 Nov 2017


Episode : 01,Episode : 02,Episode : 03,Episode : 04,Episode : 05,Episode : 06,Episode : 07,Episode : 08,Episode : 09,Episode : 10,Episode : 11,Episode : 12,Episode : 13,Episode : 14,Episode : 15,Episode : 16,Episode : 17,Episode : 18,Episode : 19,Episode : 20,Episode : 21,Episode : 22,Episode : 23

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Great photos, smoking is the bad habit. Please tell them to leave this.

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Such a contrast in lifestyle to all the city slickers hey @royalmacro. haha!

What a life of Bawali!! Their struggle for survival is seen from the pictures . Their boats are their life-line. They have no time to know outer world. Thanks for the post.

awesome sundarbans life views

How many people can live at such kind of boat? Also is it known how many Bawali in India?

max 20 persons.
A very few. Only 10-12 villages in Sundarbans where Bawalis live

Yes it's very few...Thanks! I'll keep it in my mind!

These guys look like they are having a good time. I like how comfortable they are together. Like family or old friends. 🐓🐓

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