Tour to the Lviv Chocolate Workshop - Part1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes, I just want someone to hug me and say, “I know it's hard. You're going to be okay. Here is some chocolate and 1 million steemdollars" :D

Long ago promised tour to the chocolate workshop. If you ever visit this beautiful city, a visit to this workshop is a must!

Enjoy the photos!


Cheerful local guys were welcoming singing some good songs

That's how storefront looks like

That's the first floor, some vintage place actually!

Menu of this famous place: the most expensive things are under $1.5 (divide by 27)
To be honest it is pretty expensive comparing to the prices elsewhere in the city, but the place is worth checking out anyways!






These people friendly told me that they will kill me, if I continue to use my flash, but I guess without flash light the photography has even more of that chocolate color.

Follow me not to miss more exciting posts!

Awesome Part 2 of the Lviv Chocolate Workshop Tour, more cool recipes, restaurant reviews and other beautiful posts including very original artwork to come soon ;-)

Thank you for all upvotes and comments!
Cheers, hugs, kisses, all the best and happy whatever you are up to at the moment :D

À bientôt! (and greetings to @bleujay!)


@richman damn it now am craving for some chocomel hahaha
it's almost 10 pm not allowed
funny the woman behind the guys playing have a smile that looks like that of @rebeccaryan

I tried checking out the reflection on the glass on the 3rd pic - no avail
This time eyes, I wish I went there, too!

I'm sorry, Ivy! BTW, I thought I've seen @rebeccaryan there too... Possible?
Reflection, what for? Or you mean my reflection?
If you are telling about me, then I have to confess you that I don't have reflection in the mirror for some unknown reason hahahahaha

@richman yes .. looks like her isn't it?
smile wise :D

you got no reflection? damn! am talking to a vampire wahahaha
just kidding ! hugs!

Hugs, kisses and all the best, Ivy!

Looks so awesome. Chocolate heaven :D

More to come, so stay tuned, please!
Pretty awesome chocolate creativity in the next post :D

Already following you, so I won't miss it! I'd love to see the next post, maybe it'll give me ideas for some chocolately experiments of my own :D

Cool! Followed you too :D

Sometimes, I just want someone to hug me and say, “I know it's hard. You're going to be okay. Here is some chocolate and 1 million steemdollars"

don't we all, don't we all? LOL

Chocolate is always good.

Oh, so cute! I'm hugging you too :D

оО нет!! Я всегда думала, что все Шоколадные фабрики как в фильме "Чарли и шоколадная фабрика" с моим любимым Джонни Деппом!!! А если серьезно, Ваши посты очень классные, интересные, с качественными фото, их приятно читать))

Спасибо огромное за высокую оценку!
Очень взаимно.

The photos are beautiful

Thanks a LOT!
I love your posts too :D

Приятно видеть нашу "майстерню шоколаду" ! Когда вы были во Львове?

На новогодние праздники. Ну очень приятный город )))

@richman я вижу вы принимаете участие в теме powerupchallenge. Я хочу вас спросить, чем интересно принимать в этом участие? Я не совсем хорошо воспринимаю информацию на английском:) Это нужно писать на определенную тему или темы какие я хочу? В чем фишка?

Вам нужно заявить о своем участии в конкурсе тегом. Все/любые посты должны быть 100% powered up.
Сейчас уже даже создали призовой фонд, что-то около 500 SP.

Что значит посты должны быть 100% powered up? Я должна писать в посте эту фразу?

Thank you for posting @richman.

A lovely post as always.

How did bleujay miss this one.......and such a good one. Enjoyed looking through the photographs and comments. You are quite the host.
How very kind of you to give me a mention......hoping it is not too late to say how very much it is appreciated. It was @furion's new app that alerted bleujay.

And greetings to you and the family. A bientot. ^_^

Thank you for your support.

Hihi! Very glad to hear from you @bleujay :D
Sorry, it took me some time to answer, but it's no wonder that you've missed this post too--probably I published several posts that day...
Anyway, I'm always happy to give you a mention, if you wish!
Thanks for your comment and kind words. Will definitely check out that @furion's app to be alerted too :D

All the best to you and yours too. A bientot. xD

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