Qurator's Photo Friday - Photography Competition #19

in #photography6 years ago

Daily Curator #1 (29).jpg

Welcome to the 19th Edition of Photo Friday - Hosted by @qurator!

Below you will find some unbelievable images captured by your fellow Qurites from all over the world! See what adventures they have shared with all of us! Don't forget to vote for your favorite and if you'd like to nominate your own image for next week's competition, make sure to comment #nominate below.

Note: some of you have been curated twice since the start of the Daily Qurator and some have been curated only once. As the Daily Qurator is gaining fame with every passing day, many new steemians are asking/will ask to join us. So, expect to see posts from new users for now. When the opportunity arises, posts from older users will be curated once again.

Each Friday we will select 5 Qurites and feature their photography in our Daily Qurator post. Each Qurite featured in this post needs to comment with their photo featured in this post. The user with the most upvotes on their comment (not money value) will win a Tier 5 membership for 30 days! The votes will be counted when this post reaches payout.

Want to take part in Photo Friday? NOMINATE! After you upvoted your favorite photo!


Want to take part in the next Photo Friday? Sure you can! Simply comment in the comment section with #nominate.

We will then consider your account and look over your feed for any Photography related posts for the upcoming Photo Friday


Post links and/or pictures of your most recent posts. We will not choose them. Why? Well, we want the nominees to also benefit from being in the Photo Fridayy Edition. If you give us a link now and we use it for the next issue of Photo Friday your post has most likely reached payout. That means not extra upvotes... We will select the most recent posts from your feed.

So instead, just include#nominatein your comment of this post (don't forget to vote for your favorite food post first).
We will take it from there and consider your feed for the next Photo Friday.

We hope this can spark some more interest in the photography community within Qurator. Hopefully to get more users to visit photography related blogs and appreciate your photography. Hopefully there will also be some nice rewards on your comment in this post.

We have made it easy for all participants by providing the links to their photos that they can just copy and paste into the comment section of this post to officially enter the competition!







Let the competition and upvotes begin! Best of luck to all the Qurites participating!

Note: Any upvotes from pay4bots will not be counted.

Spamming messages and asking for upvotes on your comment is frowned upon and could lead to being disqualified. Stick to friends and people you know!

Your Quality Curator ~( @goldendawne )~ Presents:


The “What Is It” Game 4 of 5
Not only is this an unusual image, but you get to play a game too! Head over to see what this is all about; and if you can figure out what @skiesandsports has captured in this picture.



My Entry For Monomad- Flower Friday

Today a photo for the monomad contest. Flower Friday, and how beautiful I think black and white. Today I have opted for a glimpse of color. A glimpse of hope!

We can all use a little hope every once in awhile; and in this post @hetty-rowan shares some less than heppy times experienced this week. LOVE how the use of a little color can give us all a glimmer of hope. Sort of makes the future seem a little brighter


Bokeh Grass

No, bokeh is not a type of grass; it's actually the way the photographer uses his or her skill to make the image appear a little blurry. The word bokeh is a Japanese word that means blur. I never knew this! Thank you @swerdan for making research what this was.


Seeing this image is making me wish more for spring to finally arrive! Look how cold this view looks. No more snow. Spring needs to get here fast! Brrrr!


Go For Broke

Today, April 5th is National Go For Broke Day! Did you know there was such a day? Did you take heed of it? Did you trade everything on a whim today, or are you a HODLER like I am? I'm a bit of a risk taker, but I have never been willing to risk everything! But a day to celebrate Going For Broke?

Did you know there was such a day as Go For Broke? What does going for broke mean to and for you? Putting all your proverbial eggs in one basket? Taking risks? Share what you would do in the comment section of @dmcamera's post.

Good luck to all the entries! May the best photo win!

Congratulations to the winner of the 18th Photo Friday: @asgarth. Nicely done and well deserved!

Prize: Tier 5 upvotes worth around $0.50 for 30 days!

Like the Photo Friday series?

Go check out Tasty Tuesday where we take 5 great food related pictures and host the same kind of competition. Go cast your votes and nominate your friends! Steem on!

For more information on how to join Qurator click HERE

Your Quality Content Curator


The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @boontjie | @goldendawne | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest | @stresskiller | @aaronleang

Special thanks to @kryzsec for the SBD contributions.

Like what we do? Consider voting for us as a steemit witness.


Haha, Im glad I got someone to google what "Bokeh" meant. Also thanks for the chance to win.

So so bublicious! :D
And so the fun started!

Very nice photo!

Thank you.

Wonderful. You got my vote... good luck!

Thank you.

Thank you for featuring my photo. I feel very honored! And of course I want to officially enter this competition.

I LOVE this!! Beautiful!

Very nice! Good luck

Photography with a twist, addition of colour really makes the whole pic amazing @hetty-rowan

Thanks for this lovely reply!

Very nicely done :) #nominate

Thank you for the compliment!

You needed the link in the comments? Here it is. Thanks for choosing my image to participate.

Hello @qurator and guests of this blog! Please read my massage only if you have an opportunity to help me out.

Last month my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer and now we are doing all in order to gather the funds needed for treatment and surgical operation. Unfortunately a major part of my cryptocurrecy stuck on HitBTC exchange and I don’t know when I will be able to withdraw them. I want to ask you to financially help me; even $20 will help my family a lot! Sorry for begging, but sadly I have no choice at the moment.

Please donate me with Steem, SBD, of Ethereum. ETH address:


Great job to all those mentioned. All wonderful photographs.


Wonderful post ..thanks for sharing...Best of luck friend ✫ resteemid

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