in #nationaldays6 years ago


Today, April 5th is National Go For Broke Day! Did you know there was such a day? Did you take heed of it? Did you trade everything on a whim today, or are you a HODLER like I am? I'm a bit of a risk taker, but I have never been willing to risk everything! But a day to celebrate Going For Broke?

Or does National Go For Broke Day refer to the board game Go For Broke? Do you know the game? Do you play it? Is it fun to play? Which board games do you play? I have to admit that it has been ages since I have played a board game. I think tonight I'll pull out the cribbage board for a game of cards! Does anyone play cribbage?

Image ©Diane Macdonald. All Rights Reserved.
Click on the image to view full screen!

CameraEOS 5D
LensEF100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
Exposure11/100 sec; f/14; ISO 160
Post-processingAdobe Photoshop®, Adobe Camera Raw

My image can be licensed via Getty Images here.

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Interestingly you have)

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)

Your on a roll with the National Days I did see todays but didnt have time to do anything for them

as for Cribbage I love the game but havent played it for maybe 20 years


We used to play it all the time, but we only play it when we go to Massachusetts now. We’ll be there in May!

Thanks for the tip.

funnily enough we will be going to MA in May also for a weekend

Maybe we’ll bump into you then. Lol!

Wouldnt that be funny but also cool

We’ll be there for 10 days. Jim’s Mom is turning 90. 🎂 🎁

thats well worth celebrating, we are going to be there for two of the grandkids holy communion I think it is lOL

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I didn't know of such a game, but then again maybe the last board game I played was Monopoly or chess.

I had no idea that there is such day.

Too late in life for me to “go for broke.” I do enjoy games. We play Ticket to Ride. We have recently had a lot of fun playing What Do You Meme, a card game like Cards Against Humanity. Very funny...naughty but funny.

Sounds like fun! We used to play games all the time. It's time to change our routine again, methinks! Games are fun! I haven't heard of those games, but will look out for them! I use to love Trivial Pursuit, but my husband got tired of not winning. LOL! I used to be so good at trivia, but not sure how I would do nowadays!

Not sure if you've heard of Bob Ross, the painter with the "happy little trees," but there is a new board game based on him and his paintings that I plan on getting soon.

No, I haven’t. I’ll Google it!😊


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Monopoly was the best board game created.

My kids used to ove playing it. I didnt like it much because the games lasted too long!

It is funny that each day is National something day. I find this challenge quite interesting.

As for the board games we love to play Scrabble and Monopoly at home. And as we are fans of Doctor Who, so is the edition of our Monopoly game.

We used to play Scrabble a lot. I still have the game from 50 years ago!

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