∞§∞ Burning Man Part 1: An Introduction To This World Renowned Festival With My First Hand Experience and Epic Photo Gallery ∞§∞

in #photography8 years ago

Greetings Steemians!

I still like to start of EVERY post with saying how awesome it is to be here with all of you cutting edge characters on this revolutionary platform! I hope its not getting old me saying that because I still like to!

Now on to explore the EPICNESS that is BURNING MAN!


Burning Man 2016 is now officially over and I wanted to share some epic photos and some first hand experience for anyone who might be interested in this extraordinary event. I will make a few different posts on various aspects of Burning Man as there is SO much to it. 

For anyone who has NOT heard of Burning Man, it is one of the most renowned festivals in the world. It was started back in the 80's in San Francisco and now takes place in the middle of nowhere in the desert of Nevada, known as Black Rock City.  There is a LOT of backstory to it and many books have been written about it. I will just cover the basics of this saga, so as not to get into a whole BOOK about it. 

Burning Man is probably most famous for the huge wooden statues referred to as "The Man" of which they burn on the last weekend of the epic party that is "The Burn"


Now Burning Man is an event with some newbies but it is the HARD CORE BURNERS (Burners are what people call them selfs who go to "The Burn" as they call Burning Man) who travel from all over the world to adventure out into the middle of the desert for what is "officially" a week long non stop world class party. For some (hard core burners) it is many weeks to months out in the dessert setting up and preparing for this colossal event. 

There are literally MILLIONS of $$$ spent on art installations and The Burn is considered the premier art installation festival in the world. 


This is a festival that requires a LOT of preparation and is very expensive to attend. The conditions are also very harsh and its literally in the middle of nowhere so being properly prepared is ESSENTIAL. I will do a whole post on preparing for The Burn later on, for those who want to consider going. 

Just to put into perspective what a major event this is.  Black Rock City when burning man is not happening  does not exist. There is just desert with NOTHING. Yet when Burning Man IS happening it is the 10th largest city in Nevada! Now technically it is NOT a city but that is what they call it and with 70,000 people there for the burn for 1 week it is the 10th largest city in the entire state!


People come from all over the world for this event and it is draws a lot of celebrities, super rich 1% and world class artists. For many people this is their event of their year and spend the whole year saving money, preparing and working on new art installations for the next Burn. 

There is A LOT I can say about this event. I would like to just mention a few key points without getting into to much detail as this is an overview of the event for anyone interested. I will make more in depth posts on specific aspects of The Burn if this community finds it valuable.  

This is truly a world class event unlike anything else and worth going once for the experience. 


The diversity of people and experiences available are far more than anyone can imagine or experience even if they tried. 


It is a very harsh environment and unless you pay a lot of money for a "glamp camp" you better be really prepared and somewhat healthy. 


There is a lot of amazing art that is specifically made for The Burn including the huge Man that is literally rebuilt different every year and burned to the ground at the end of each Burn. 

Below is a photo of the Art Installation Our Team Built at Burning Man. I will write an article about the concept, design, and build in another post if Steemians like my Burning Man Posts. 


Though Burning Man likes to promote concepts of sustainability and self reliance this event is totally unsustainable in every way. Realistically having an event like this in a location like this is going to be very difficult to be sustainable. It is what it is, I get that. Yet its silly to pretend. Or its silly to actually believe this resembles sustainability in any way. I will do a whole post about that too.

Ultimately The Burn is a vortex. The possibilities are endless and its not for everybody. But like it or not it is truly a lifetime opportunity unlike anything else. This is not a causal event. Planning, research, preparation and ideally some connections is wise. 


I hope you enjoyed these cools photos and an overview of The Burn. I have hundreds more photos as well as videos many of which I have never even released. I would love to compose more Burning Man articles if you find them valuable. 


I will leave you with this photo to highlight the MAGIC that is possible at The Burn. Here I am holding a Praying Mantis that found me in the MIDDLE of the desert. There is NO way that it could live out there naturally or would be there normally. Yet here we both are in the vortex of magic that is The Burn~*~

I appreciate all the support and wish you all a great day!

If you like my posts and the cause that I live for every day. Please follow and support in whatever way you can. 


There are some seriously epic photos in this post.!! Some of my all time favs of you and that's saying a lot cuz we gots lots of pics of you. ;) Great article about your experiences and observations. Burning man sounds like an epic event but even as much as I like adventure I can't imagine enjoying sand without a beach.

Without a doubt the best photo opp place I have ever been!
Hope to share a lot more to come!

Wow!!! This entire post is AWESOME. I'm glad there is a good deal of interest in this post, as I would love to see more of these amazing pics--I know you have hundreds. I have never been to burning man, but getting to live this vicariously through you is next best, as your awareness and perspective always sheds light on interesting and vital factors that remain unseen. I love the way you're always in your own vortex, where ever you go. Magic simply happens around and through you. Just look at that praying mantis! Thank you for sharing!

Yes BM is EPIC and yes it is truly an experience of a life time!
Maybe one day you will go and you can take some seriously EPIC photos in the VORTEX!
Appreciate the love and support~

Looks like a feast for the senses! Hope me and the girls can toughen up enough to go with you someday

May it be so~*~

Wow!! Supper bad ass shots here. Quinn your badassery deffinatly has the awe factor, so awesome!

Why thank you =)>

Awesome photos . I think back to my very first visit , THE first Burning man . Lucky me to experience it back then. One day I plan to go back .

Are you referring to the first out on the playa or the first one in Cali?

Cali !!! I think it was around 1999 ?? I forgot the year. I still have photos on paper somewhere . Might have to find them

Well the first one in Cali was 1986 if I am not mistaken.

ups , Did I just loose 10 years somewhere. Thats what happens shortly before you turn 58 :) It was Cali !! Thats for sure and it was incredible.

Hahahaha yes time is a funny thing ;-)>

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