in #photography7 years ago

Just Papa getting a little wild and creative…

If you’ve seen some of my recent photography posts of the Combination Photography Contest that I am currently running then you already know that I enjoy combining animals and plants to create some interesting photos.

Many natural photos can be taken in this manner of the animals in their normal habitat, but some more creative and interesting photos can also be created by staging a photo shoot, which is what I did in this case.

Before I released the Red-Bellied Snakes, I placed one on top of a kind of Daylily to see if I could get a few good shots. I think that it worked out pretty well. Here are the photos.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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@papa-pepper, snakes are such feared creatures, but you captured a beautiful moment incredibly well.

Really enjoy seeing the snake in contrast to the oranges hues of the flowers.

I think that the third photo is my favorite.

I am pleased to hear it. Thank you for your REAL COMMENT too!

@papa-pepper, you are very welcome for the REAL COMMENT. I am here at Steemit to learn from our community.

We have to be real or else it all falls apart. Thanks for the part you play in always creating original content.

photo shop! Hehe just messing @papa-pepper
Awesome shots!

Red bellied rat snake? Corn snake?

Red-Bellied Snake - Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata

Very beautiful photography, I love it very much. but I am sorry to say this, that for the first picture it looks like a better choice of the 8th image.

it worked super well, these are such cool shots not often i see shots with a snake and a flower such an interesting combination

I thought that it would make for a striking contrast.

and you were spot on the contrasts make the shots, another option would be the snake on an apple tree would be so cool to see

From the image of the flower is so bright and very bright coupled with the old colt and flower colored to be more contrast but if I have a snake I definitely run a unique work

Not dangerous snakes

Perfect combinations of snake and flower, i have done 1 as my entry @papa-pepper 😊😊

Before I released the Red-Bellied Snakes

Did you catch them or buy them to release, and do they have a purpose if you bought them?

Good photos BTW, got side tracked as to why you'd be releasing snakes.

I captured them in the wild to photograph and film, momentarily detained them, and then releases them exactly where I found them.

I didn't know if they had a function you wanted to utilize, like having king snakes to reduce a population of rattlesnakes, for example.

Should have known you were just being creative ;)

I just like to meet them and document them, plus I am on vacation right now.

What a beauty !

Either your camera was snapping shots like crazy or the snake wasn't in too much of a hurry to get away. I had enough trouble keeping up with the little bugs! They kept scurrying away and hiding under stuff.

I'm amazed by the variety of snakes you find. I think the only snake we have around these parts is the garter snake. Just as well though; so many people have a phobia for snakes.

This one was calm and moved slow. It actually responded really well to the whole situation.

Perhaps we need to start calling you the Snake Whisperer? Seems you can handle them without freaking them out.

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