FOOD! Nom nom nom

in #photography7 years ago

Spain is one of the top travel destinations in Europe and also where I had the chance to live throughout the past year.
Aside from its rich culture and year-round sunny weather (depending on where you are), one of my ultimate favorite things are its delicious tapas - small portions of tasty seafood, pastries, curated meat, cheese, vegetables... to share with friends without any moderation!

Some of the best places to enjoy them are in small local bars/cafes. Nothing too fancy in appearance but you may often be surprised how good their tapas are - and cheaper, MUCH cheaper than in the classic main plazas restaurants, aka tourist traps.

Here is a photo I took in Denia (South of Valencia) in February last year, on a warm sunny day. Being a coastal town, it would almost be a sacrilege (unless you are vegetarian) to not have a go at the seafood tapas. Octopus or pulpo is an absolute delicacy to me - even more so when you realize that ordering it is often a hit or miss. Tenderizing the octopus properly is the secret to success when cooking it. If the preparation is mishandled, the octopus can be quite tough - A slow cooking method is key to a surprisingly tender and flavorful dish.

Bon appetit!


Photo taken with my SONY Xperia Z3

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I've travelled to Spain a few times and one of my favourite things to do whilst one there is enjoy the delicious, mouth-watering tapas they have on offer there. You do get something something here where I live, but it's just not the same.

Thanks for sharing... :)

Thanks for dropping by @ezzy. Spain really does have some of the best food. Nothing too fancy but such good blends of spices, it's fresh, it's fast, it's cheap... and to top it off, it's most often eaten collectively (much like in Asian countries). What more can one ask for?
And yeah I agree, just not quite the same if eaten outside of Spain.

name of the dish look so yumm....

Good question! If I remember correctly, it was grilled octopus in paprika sauce

I don't know how many times I've visited Spain, but I'll go back in april, already looking forward to their amazing food and indeed tapas again <3

Another world traveller? Lovely to meet you @soyrosa. Tapas forever!

Yes, hello! Fellow World Traveller indeed! :-) Tapas forever! I can agree on that :-)

Was eating polpo salade in Lourdes..u know those round containers u buy at the grocery stores🤣

Haha! Never tried those... any good?

Oh very much! It's what i always look for when in France, good combi with a croissant and fruits.
Instant Filipino dining.

LOL you goofball

Why is that so yummy to look at huhuuuu :'((( I'm starving already. But hey, did you know that "tapa" here in the Philippines is canned sardines :D Same to Spain's tapa, very cheap and delicious. ❤

Haha! Are they serving canned sardines at Jollibee yet?

Hahaha nooo! OMG, you've been to Jollibee? Yaaay! 😍 I do hope the menu in Jollibee there is the same here :D

LOL! No Jollibees in Spain unfortunately. I've only ever seen them in Vietnam and the Philippines. Beats McDonald's and Burger King by a mile!

I love the restaurants where they constantly make rounds with trays of something freshly made, and many times it's a bit of a guess what it could be as they fly by so quick. You just pinch them off the tray, hope you got something you wanted, then stack up the plates and pay per stack at the end.
Also did you know tapas is called pinchos/pinxos in the northern regions of Basque and Navarre? They have been known to get a little annoyed if you ask for tapas there..

Thanks for the extra info and tip @cardoprimo. I wouldn't want to upset the Basque ;)

while i am guessing the dish name my mouth is watering :)

Grilled octopus in creamy paprika sauce 😊

wow paprika sauce is love :)

yes, perfect description

Belle présentation ! On dirait que c'est servi à même la table ?

Aaaaah contente de voir que quelqu'un a remarqué! Oui l'assiette est en fait transparente (si tu regardes vers l'arrière-plan de la photo tu verras son rebord). Mais c'est vrai qu'avec la fente entre les 2 tables on dirait presque que la bouffe est en lévitation!
Merci de ta visite @mayrie28

Ah oui effectivement :) ça rend la photo encore plus originale comme ça ^^
Merci pour le partage.

This looks absolutely amazing. I could live on that food forever. Always a great idea not going to the "tourist traps", you find so many gems if you leave the main street (goes for most countries). Really nice :-)

Yes, tourist traps are good for 1 go with family or friends and then it's back to the real stuff ;)

Love Spain and all of the yummy food there, can't wait to return!

I hope you are starting to plan your trip Ruth. Also, a little detour by Reunion island ;)

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