My Icicle Gift to You


So I was reading that @haphazard-hstead had a bad ice storm that really coated everything but yielded some terrific pictures. However, the storm finished and they had an icicle party to celebrate. I think the party is over, but I got to thinking that @haphazard-hstead might be missing those icicles...Being the nice kind of guy that I am (always thinking of the other person) I thought I would share some fresh icicles from this weekend here in Michigan.


Now to the untrained eye, these icicles may appear to be ordinary icicles. That would be WRONG!! Notice no icicles are on anything high up like the tree limbs???


No Sir, these here are not ordinary icicles at all! These here icicles are genuine LAKE formed icicles. How is that, the lake is not frozen???


We had very high winds with a temperature around 20F. The wind lifts a spray off the waves as the hit the shore which coats anything that is near water level.


I think it makes some really cool icicle formations!


So @haphazard-hstead I hope this helps you from missing those icicles too much LOL.

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
YouTube (Main channel)


Those are beautiful pictures. Amazing how ice can form like that!

Those are a really special kind of icicle, @old-guy-photos! And you did a great job of explaining how they form, too. I like how you caught the drip in the first photo. It's funny how picnic tables in southern Michigan always seem to walk their way into the water, lol!

The Icicle Party is still going strong, until Wednesday at 5pm PST. There are prizes for recommending music, writing poems, recommending Steemit food posts, writing jokes, and plain old party participation!

Thanks for thinking of me and my lack of icicles now. It is snowing, though, right now here in Oregon's Willamette Valley. Maybe there will be enough for a snowball, lol! Enjoy the rest of your winter weather, too! ;D

I was just about to make a comment about the picnic table in the water. You beat me to it!

Nice shots!

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