They're back 2: even more are back

in #photography8 years ago

As I said yesterday, now that the frost has gone the mushrooms are making a comeback. So, once the fog had cleared and I could see my feet again, I went back to the forest to see what I could find.

I actually saw this one being nicked by a running deer, but even broken it looks pretty, which is a good thing, because the deer escaped unphotographed:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO100, f7.1, 10s

These were the size of raisins:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO100, f6.3, 10s

I think this is a very young version of the one in the first photo:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO100, f5.6, 2s

Its neighbour:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO100, f8, 10s

This one grew on a tree stump, accompanied by Shrek's ears:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO100, f7.1, 15s

Just before it got too dark to search any further, I saw this unusual growth. I think it is a slime mold, but I don't know what kind; I have never seen a white one before:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO100, f8, 10s

More when I see them!


I love these pictures. And I love the Olympus :)

That slime mold looks really interesting. I saw something similar one time when camping in Montana but as I recall it was yellowish and didn't have the little beads in it.

Wow, cool! Very close as I recall. As I remember it looked more buttery and gelatinous but it has been a while. Neat pictures.

Maybe this then?

The first two pictures are of scrambled egg slime, I don't know what the more gelatinous one in these last two pictures is called.

I think that is it. Very nice pictures! Maybe witches butter fungus? When I saw it at first I thought someone had left a mess until I looked at it closely.

Tremella mesenterica, could be. "Witches butter fungus" is used for two fungi, unfortunately, three if you count the literal Dutch translation "heksenboter", which is scrambled egg slime. Confused yet? I am.

Third picture with water droplets is my favorite!

Thanks! Mine also. The fog was good for something after all.

Great photos - I like the richness of the colours.

One from my last visit to Narita in Japan. I do keep an eye out when orchid stuff is quiet

Hey @ocrdu flagged them back.

Revenge flaggers again.

Flagged them back , they are dangerous to the community.
I have done my part as Steemit-Attorney.

I love mushroom photography! Great shots :)

I promised you BC go. Your pictures are so good.....

Thank you, but why "no go"?

Because my pictures don't hold a candle to've got a real talent my friend.

Thank you, but: over 35 years of experience, more likely.
And it's not about holding candles, but about what mushrooms you have seen 8-).

Point taken. I have not had lessons only experience of maybe 8 years. You are right - it's the subject and the content and the purpose. I get it. Thanks for the encouragement.

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