My first five posts on Steemit: butterflies, dragonflies, and a lizard

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Busy day today, so just a repost of my first five posts on Steemit, for your viewing pleasure. Most of my followers may not have seen these before.

I have included the names of the species this time.

Damselflies outdoing the Kamasutra

These are small red damselflies (Ceriagrion tenellum), mostly found near heath bogs and streams.

Olympus XZ-1, 28mm, ISO200, f5.6, 1/100

Very, very blue

A Rhagades pruni:

Olympus XZ-1, 28mm, ISO200, f8, 1/80

In nature, colours don't clash

A six-spot burnet (Zygaena filipendulae):

Olympus XZ-1, 28mm, ISO200, f8, 1/250

Looks quite majestic, even though it's not even 4 inches long

A viviparous lizard or common lizard (Zootoca vivipara):

Olympus XZ-1, 28mm, ISO200, f8, 1/100

I like anything that kills mosquitoes

A vagrant darter (Sympetrum vulgatum):

Olympus Stylus 1s, 266mm, ISO200, f8, 1/125


@ocrdu omigosh I almost missed this !
Great macro shots!


Great repost. Thanks. I did miss these early on, as I was probably not on here yet. Great shots and very nice detail. That Olympus is a nice camera for a take-anywhere. My Nikon D-200 is getting old, and has some problems in color shift/spotting on the sensor. So I've been using a small Pentax lumix. It is hard to hold steady in low light, which seems to be what I shoot alot. It is small, and isn't greatly stabilized, so I'm trying to use a tripod again...not quite like lugging a 4x5 outfit around, but still, really changes the game a bit. Those little critters don't always stay put for long as you mess with setting it up. Plus, as you said in the horse photo, it's nice to be able to shoot at any time/anywhere. Have you ever used a monopod? I've thought about trying that, not sure how useful they are.

Yes, I like the Olympus Stylus 1s I shoot now, I think it is a nice size/functionality compromise and it can do f2.8 over the full zoom range. Unfortunately, this camera was discontinued and no successor was announced. I haven't seen anything similar enough from other manufacturers yet.
I have used a monopod in the past only for use with very long (and heavy!) lenses, but I rarely use such equipment anymore. A monopod takes the weight, is easy to move around and it stabilises a little.
I use a miniature tripod for photographing mushrooms, all the rest I shoot handheld.

Really great motives. I enjoy your nature photography. I've been following for almost 4 months now. Great work :)

Thanks! I've been following you for quite a while also.

Great idea to do a repost. I think I might go back and redo some that really bombed. Thanks for the inspiration. STEEM ON!!

I have thought about re posting some of my earlier posts that didn't do well, but I am worried they will get flagged. I'm not sure of the policy on re posts.

I don't think there is a policy. I don't see why you shouldn't occasionally repost months-old postings from the time you had 2 followers 8-). Saying things twice because the first time there was no audience doesn't seem a flaggable offense to me.

I agree! I poured my heart out into some early posts. I had almost no followers then. I was afraid it would be bad Steemit etiquette to repost them. But I may try some again. Thanks for the encouragement.

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