
Nice photo 👍

Love those shots. The 50 mm is adored by many and I can see why. Even the chili oil looks glamorous. :)

Yep I can see why people love the nifty fifty. Gives great results.

A lot of great photos in the article.

Thanks the lens is awesome and I'll be using it a lot.

I wish I had a 50 mm for my phone @molometer. I like the bokeh look.

i particularly enjoyed the two food close ups.😊

You can get lens kits for smart phones they are cheap as chips too. I don't know how good they are though?
The cracked black pepper looks like a shingle beach :)

Yeah. I did look into that at one time @molometer but never got around to actually buying any. I think they vary quite a bit in how good they are.

I should maybe put it on my present list and let someone else do the research and make the decision for me. 😁

I thought the pepper was shingle at first.

I've seen those lens kits a the airport duty free but like you say. Which one to get?
Youtube? :)

I did a bit of research but none of them stood out at which point I gave up @molometer. I suppose it would have made more sense to conclude it didn't matter which one I bought then but my mind doesn't seem to work that way. 😁

I adore my 50mm fixed lens. Flowers come out so beautiful.

@photobe I know it is tuff having a 39 rep but hang in there.
Opphs! what am I doing talking to myself? haha

39 rep already @photobe going like a rocket. :)

@photobe is hanging in there ... more votes from people with higher score move her up faster.

Classical fifty 😉 since I mount it on my camera I forgot to take it off

I can see the attraction. It is a very capable lens and light as a feather.

Thank you for the brief overview of this lens. Well shown by examples. The photos look very impressive. I like this blurred effect. It perfectly helps the look to focus on a particular subject or small detail, making everything else just a background. Great footage. Good luck with your shooting and enjoy using this lens.

Thanks madlenfox, this was my first time using this lens and it gives pretty good results straight out of the box on basic standard settings.
I'll do a video on it when I have a bit more experience with using it.

That would be a great idea! I'd love to see it. I really like this kind of photography. Your experience will surely help me to better deal with this. Thanks @molometer :)

I didn't get that was chili oil but your camera takes beautiful photographs!!!

I'm very impressed with this little 50 mm. It's very versatile. I can see how people just stick with it.
It reproduces exactly what we see.

I really like how this lens is taking a pictures and I dreams about the same lens with a better light. One day I will have it, I'm sure of it <3

Thank you and you know that this 50 mm is not expensive. I was lucky and got it as a gift but they are pretty cheap right now.

Thanks the 50 mm lens is the real star.

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