Wandering Around In The Mist on A Beautiful Sunday

in #photography7 years ago

I always see my good friend @old-guy-photos celebrating #beautifulsunday so I figured after many weeks of reading his posts I'd give it a try.

I woke up this morning around 9:00 AM. Looking out the window the fog was extremely thick. It was a rare morning. It rained in the night and the morning was fairly cool but not cold. I was able to walk outside in a t-shirt and shorts to take a small walk around my property to enjoy the mist.

I Love Thick Foggy Mornings


This morning I stepped out on the porch and looked down the mountain and saw my neighbors dog. If you look at the for sale sigh, the dog is the black figure nearby. This is the only dog I've ever hated. My neighbor lives on the other side of our house so the dog was pretty far from home. My neighbor doesn't leash it or put it in a pen. It roams free and is aggressive. The thing has come after me barking and has chased me into the house. I've started carrying a baseball bat to check the mail in case it bothers me.

I tried to go to my neighbors house to complain but the dog was attacking my car and I couldn't get out. A strongly worded letter about the dog will be written and put in his mailbox.

Picture of A Normal, Non-Foggy Morning


I Have A Lot Of Pictures Of This Electrical Pole


On A Normal Sunny Day


I really like this electrical pole for pictures. In the spring and summer you see ivy creeping around the pole until it is fully covered. As the seasons change the ivy dies off and the pole is left bare.

The Old Swing Set Seems Sad In The Fog


I'm torn about this swing set. It's so old but it's sturdy. We could sand it down and fix it up for our daughter. But...it's right next to a cliff. A kid could swing off and go right now a dangerous cliff. I'd hope my child was smart enough to not swing dangerously but you never know.

The Trees Close By Are Shrouded In Fog




Hi Poe! My Walking Buddy Today.


An Old Staircase Up The Mountain


Thanks for taking a walk with me on my misty Sunday.

It's rare the fog is so thick in the morning. I do live in the Smokey Mountains so a light fog is pretty common. It takes a perfect combination of rain and warm/cool temperatures to get fog so thick.



Great to see you join in the fun Marx! I love foggy as long as I don't have to drive in it!

That is a fine looking pole!

I love that swing set. Old things like that always make me think of the people that built it or used it.

You are fully approved so use the #steemusa tag so we can find you so you get the upvote. Also stop by and add your links in the post promotion room. You were in the welcome room. Now make sure you go to the main chat room. Also leave your birthday month in the member birthday room lol. Yes I know lots of rooms lol. OMG chat was so fun over the weekend. Lets just say there was a bunch of us and way too much wine LOL. Oh and look at the direct messages. They may have your footer banner done :)

Thank you!! I got the banner. I was being a shy lurker over the weekend and yes....it looked like a little too much wine was going around. I'm usually shy in a new chat...don't know any of the folks in there but you. I'll try to drop by when you're around to ease into a new place. :)

Aww you are the proprietor of the Diner, so you cant be too shy. Sure I will be happy to help you get your paws wet. Just think when you sent me a link to Discord I never was even on it before. Now its all old hat and a great bit of fun. There isnt a mean person in the group. See ya soon.

A beautiful photo study, @marxrab. I love the fog.



beautiful pictures @marxrab .... you always surprise us with great posts because you balance the pictures and the text and make us live with it

Thank you so much. You seem to be such a great commenter and I appreciate your kind words. I'm happy to hear you enjoy my posts. I'll be sure to check out your work and return the favor. :)

Thank you, @marxrab. I left a comment for you because you deserve respect. I always see your publications and I enjoy it a lot. Not to make you help me hehehe... But thanks all this.....

Oh I know. I think good commenters are so wonderful and deserve just as much respect. In my early days here all I got were "nice posts" and spam. It's so nice to write something and have someone actually read it. :)

Nice photos of your walk in the mist. I used to love to walk in mist a long the river where we used to live. One morning I encountered a large buck sauntering down the road. It was a majestic sight.

Sounds really neat. I don't seem many deer around my house. Too mountainous. It's so quiet though. Very peaceful.

You know you could have at least had your husband dress up like a monster and been hiding in the Mist...... that would have been awesome. Still this is quite beautiful....... but it's not as beautiful as the movie called The Mist which is amazing. ;)

I doubt I could have gotten him out of bed to put on the costume lol. It was too slippery or I would have gone into the deep woods to seek out more mysterious pictures. Also, The Mist is one of my favorite movies.

Foggy mornings and evenings are like a veil of magic, love these pics friend!

Hey I remember you lol...long time no see. Happy to see you around.

Haha I’m back at it again!

Nice job! I really like the swing-set, especially since it reminds me of one I took a few years back. Fog is my absolute favorite shooting condition. It allows you to create a magical feel and can really add atmospheric perspective to your images.

Of course, it's a good idea to have a lens cloth handy :-)

Thank you! I love fog. Here there isn't much car traffic. In fog the world is almost silent. All you can hear is the wind. It and snow are my favorite weather conditions.

That old staircase up the mountain looks like it's quite a challenge!
As for the neighbor's dog... I would probably call county animal control and file a complaint. I don't know if I want to be close enough to an aggressive dog to use a bat. Bring a pistol (if it's legal). And if that makes you uncomfortable, try a BB gun. A couple shots in the ass should do nicely.

My husband has thrown his back out climbing up to those stairs a few times. I fell and hurt my wrist last year climbing down....yeah..we need to build a new staircase. I've only climbed the mountain 4 times since moving in because it's hard.

I bought a BB gun recently..it arrived broken :(. It's still a puppy so there is the hope it'll calm down. If not we'll have to do something. The other neighbor also hates it and he carries a gun in his truck. I won't be surprised if he takes the dog out first.

Sadly, aggressive puppies can become very dangerous mature dogs but I truly believe that they are a reflection of their human. Just be careful.
When we lived in the Adirondacks I would take my dogs up the mountain nearly every day. We would go hiking for hours with some pretty steep areas. And at the very top was a log cabin with an amazing view of Great Sacandaga Lake. Honestly, it was easier to go up than it was to come down. Sounds like you guys need to build a zip line!

Wow! That reminds me of the movie: The mist. Lol

feels cold looking at the foggy pictures.

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