A Day At The Pool With The Ducklings

in #photography6 years ago

As the ducklings grow bigger, I keep expanding their world. Construction of their house has been slow. We put down some concrete for the base and prepped the old swing set we are converting into their pen. Hopefully tomorrow they will have a house finally. Today, it was really hot out and the poor ducklings were panting out in their makeshift pallet pen. I decided to move some pallets around so I could move the kiddie pool that we used as their brooder into the pen so they could go for a swim.



Sammy is a big duck. She's usually first to get treats and has such a big body she can block the others from getting to the treats so she can eat them all. She's pretty aggressive for tomatoes and watermelon but she loves her Cheerios too. I enjoy throwing Cheerios into the pool to watch the ducklings swim and eat. I did have the pool filled to the top but by afternoon most was all over the ground.



Bandit is a really pretty duck. She's got some nice "dalmatian" spots on her neck. She and Smokey are still a very close pair and have nice black feathers these days.



Smokey has grown to be a favorite of mine. She comes for treats pretty easy and is a really great jumper.She has no problem getting in the pool. Sammy I have to help because she can't jump. I really enjoy having Smokey eat from my hand. Duck nibbles feel really nice.

Reese's Pieces


Little Reese is looking even prettier now that a lot of her feathers have come in. Her head is so little compared to the rest of her body. She's such a tiny duck compared to the others. Reese is afraid of me and never comes for treats. She's the hardest to photograph because she's always hiding or at the back of the pack.

Black But Green


The black ducks have an interesting look to them. Some of their feathers change colors depending on how the light hits them. At times they look black but in daylight they change to green. Bandit has the most green on her so far but Smokey is showing more and more around her wings. It's hard to get a picture of because you have to catch them in the right light but in the above pic you can see a bit of the green color.

The Look That Says We're Plotting To Overthrow the Humans



It's amazing to see how waterproof those feathers are. The water just rolls off of the ducks. They really love having the pool on a hot day. I'm glad to be able to enjoy seeing the swim. It's therapeutic. Watching the ducklings swim is so relaxing and amusing. After a bad day all I have to do is go chill with them out in the yard and they make me feel calm and peaceful.


Looks great! I’m sure they love it

Wow!! The baby duck is big now. Looks so beautiful. You take care them very well. They are healthy and happy. Nice to see them.

It seriously looks like they are smiling in all of the pictures!

It seriously
Looks like they are smiling in
All of the pictures!

                 - doctorspence

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I definitely like either Smokey or Bandit the best. I guess the real question is where can you buy little hats that will fit on a duck's head.

Beautiful your story and all ducks. I like ducks and I would like to grow up a few but I do not have the necessary space. Indeed, they smile, it seems they are very pleased. Thanks!

I like how their bills always make them look as if they're smiling. It's sort of the opposite of those bullfrogs, with their forever-pouty faces. Reese looks sort of like the female mallards up here, now, with all those feathers. The males look silly, with their green heads.

Hello, I am a taste for these images and read everything they did on this day, I really enjoy your parents, you are very big and I am impressed. Reese for its color and those little figures in its feathers, greetings dear friend.

Wooow, but great, they look very tender and their colors are very beautiful, you see that they 'had a great time.

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