
More snow? You poor thing.

The peepers are really going at it here now. Have you heard them yet?

Aww.. nooooo negative on the Peepers situation here, and can't really blame em. I love how their peeping speeds up or slows down depending on the temps. Can't wait to hear the first batch, it's always when I know we're really serious about this Spring thing.

That's marvelous and sweet @lyndsaybowes! I watched a couple of crows "courting" at the top of one of our pine trees a few weeks back; made me wonder if we'll be seeing baby crows later this summer. Crowlets?

Bright Blessings!

Thanks for the blessings @whitelightexpress <3<3<3 I hope you get to see the Crowlets :) Too cute of a word!

Thank you for appreciating the shots @conversefiend, you must miss your old housemate Ru, I sure loved all the photos and vids from his stay ... <3<3<3

@lyndsaybowes, beautiful pictures! Is there still snow over there?

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No snow anymore, it was all gone in a few days. Not complaining though, it's lovely to have late snow! So good for the gardens, the water gets to soak into the ground slowly. I am planting my lettuce seeds in the next 2 weeks :) Do you garden at all @cryptospa?

what kind of birds are those
are they bluejays
i cant tell
have yourself a great evening and i would upvote you but the trash will come around if ya know what i mean
they are lurking everywhere nowadays
must be getting desperate. lol

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That was awesome timing.

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