Unknown Tuscany - Verruca's Fortress - Original Colorful Photo Series - Italy 2017 - Part 3

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Hello my Stemians friends!

I'd like show you in this last part some path photos that I did when I visited the fortress, and some options that you can do it to visit it.

There are fours routs (that I know) to get there:

  1. In the Caprona's Town: behind the Caprona's tower from westside there is a road partially driveway.
  2. In the Uliveto Terme's Town: on the west flank of Mount Verruca, behind the quarries of Uliveto Terme's town there is a walking trail.
  3. In the Vicopisano's Town: This is the most longer rout and totaly driveway, and starts Vicopisano est. You must have of a comunity permesio to drive in this road.
  4. Nicosia's Convent - Calci's Valley Town: I did this last one , and I walked in a path about one and half hour.

What I recommend if you choose the Nicosia's path:

  • Trekking shoes or a good tennis.
  • Water
  • Snacks
  • Raincoat
  • Switchblade

You can ask a map in the Calci's community with all the region's path, which includes the Verruca's Fortress path. It's free.

To guide if you must follow the signs with two stripes - white and red - that you'll find along the path.

Nicosia's Convent, Calci's Town and Pisani's Mount View

Path View 1

The mythical Mistletoe (Vischio in italian) it's a common plant in this place, and you can find it along the path, but pay attention, it's prohibited catch it!

Path View 2

Pope Leone XIII placed this cross in the 20th century starts like a Christianity's simbol.

Verruca's Fortress First View

The art is welcome always!

The last step to Verruca's Fortress entrance.

Nowadays the Calci's Association called " Compagnia di Calci" take care the Verruca's Fortress and of the other Pisa's region places.

Preview Posts

Verruca's Fortress - Part 1
Verruca's Fortress - Part 2

Device: Nikon D3200

Note - Pictures are under the Creative Commons license.
To certify my authorship this post please visit my steemit page.

Thanks so much! @lordemau (;


Nice trail, beautiful scenery. Is that the fortress in the background?

Thaks so much! This is a nice trip! Yes, it's! (;

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