Living in the Clouds: Crisp Clear Day

in #photography7 years ago

I can't remember living in very many places in my life before Acapulco where I've said on a nearly daily basis to someone even if it's online "I love this city" and it's true.

These were taken by John with the Nikon D7200 with 55-140mm lens.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Parmesan Crusted Tilapia Recipe and Food Photo Shoot
Acapulco Sunsets: Spectacular Horizon
Cajeta Goat Cheese Instant Pot Cheesecake for @modprobe


You know you are so lucky to have such a beautiful view, I am so envious it must be just amazing to wake up to that every day. and of course you got the coolest ducks out there.. Thank you for sharing your wonderful view. like normal resteemed and upvoted

Thanks for the love. I love the view even when it's cloudy and chilly like it is right now :)

Linda fotografía @lily-da-vine, saludos :)

Que bella vista, que lugar tan espectacular, inspira tranquilidad. Muy buenas tomas. Saludos

It's beautiful.

Birds-eye view of the bay, nice!!!

Debo decir que vives en un lugar hermoso y de paso estas en un lugar con una magnifica vista de la ciudad, que celos te tengo. Saludos.

Tell Jeff Berwick I said hi.... Beautiful photos

que bellezas de fotografías!!! Podría pasar toda una vida admirando esta vista tan espectacular.

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