Adventures Around Acapulco: Senor Frog and the Half Empty Building

in #photography7 years ago

Senor Frog is one of those fads here that I just don't get, but it's super popular. The rest of these photos are of the city and the inside of the nearly empty Sanbornes building.

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Farm Update: Crazy Hollowed Chicken Mystery Solved
Adventures Around Acapulco: Historical Clavadistas and Other City Shots
Acapulco Beach: Morning Shots in the Main Bay


It always amazes me to see beautiful spaces like that lobby go unused. They cost so much to build and now just abandoned. Kind of sad.

You should see the rest of the building. It's huge and seemingly largely unutilized

Hello Lily: is that a new style Escalater or are those steps ? I must say I liked the amusing frogs.

Its a broken escalator.

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