Setting the stage w/ Texas bombshell, Molly Morrison!

I’m happy to be back, Steemit. I missed the last couple days, which you’ll all know is unusual if you’ve been following me for a while. @vermillionfox made a sad post Wednesday afternoon titled “Is this the end?”. Her cat and best friend of 14 years, Simba, was very sick. We made an emergency trip to the vet who referred us to a continuous care animal hospital, but ultimately, we had to make a difficult decision. It’s been really hard on her, and our family. @guthrie has been in care-taker mode, doing what he can to cheer us both up. We needed a couple days as she sorts her feelings, I try to support her field @guthrie’s questions about death. Writing, posting and contributing is a positive outlet for me. It’s therapeutic for me to start something, finishing something and reflect on it, and tonight I’m ready to do that again. @vermillionfox may need a few more days before she’s back, but she’d appreciate some love and condolences if you have a chance.

I did my best to get through this day. I’ve been feeling that life has been throwing me challenges, that I can happily say I’ve been able to overcome. The aforementioned unfortunate family crisis, just one of many. My car was hit […again, this time a hit and run]. I left my MN license paperwork […mind you, just the paperwork that proves I passed the knowledge test and that my valid ID is coming] in the rental car. I left my Wacom tablet on a chair at @caffetto. @guthrie’s new PC has already gotten a virus and corrupted the entire OS. Just one thing after another, but all of them, I’ve managed to either find or fix. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment but it’s just consumed SO much of my time lately. I feel like I haven’t gotten in an hour of work this entire week. I’m going to finish this post then work until I fall asleep in the chair. I’m entering @timcliff’s @peerplays contest, so I’ll be exerting maxim creative brain power!

Tonight’s photography comes from 2015 with Texas bombshell, and international cover girl, Molly Morrison. These are flashback photos, sure, but they’re relavant because I just shot Molly again in NYC during the first week of July. Those photos are coming, but I wanted to set the stage with these beautiful shots from our previous sessions together in Los Angeles.

*Copyright MAXIM magazine, South Africa

*Copyright Esquire magazine, Serbia

Molly had contacted me originally to book a session during my big annual Old Hollywood black and white boudoir session event, NOIR. She was flying in from Texas, which was flattering enough, but when I began looking at her extensive portfolio of work and past shoots, I was intimidated! She’s gorgeous, smart, accomplished with covers and features in MAXIM, Esquire and had shoot several times with Tatiana Gerusova, one of my favorite photographers. It was one of those career “…you better up your game, Lars!” moments, and I live for those moments. They are what push me up that next rung of the ladder.

Molly booked a second session during the same trip, which gave us the opportunity to shoot vintage looks during NOIR, and a completely different concept just days later. Our first location was a dark studio in Hollywood. That was my chance to capture the dark pinup look I’ve become known for over the years. Molly was outstanding, and even as the last shoot of a two day schedule of 14 clients for NOIR, she had given me the creative rush and adrenaline to make some great images. 

Days later, Molly met me at the home of a friend that had helped coordinate NOIR I LA. Her company is Art & Soul Events and if you find yourself in LA looking for a wedding coordinator, you do better than Jessica. I’d pulled some latex dresses from Jane Doe Latex which serendipitously complemented the flowers in Jessica’s backyard. In the back of my mind, I was still anxious that I was out of my pay grade with Molly, knowing the work she’s done in the past. I wracked my brain to come up with interesting and unique shots that only I could make, and in the end, I think I got them. She was incredible. Literally, a dream client and I will always cherish any time we can collaborate.

I’ll be posting some of the updated photos of Molly from New York City in a few weeks. I hope you enjoyed these in the meantime. Thanks for the leniency on the last few days. I do post often […barring crises], so for more photography, art, illustration and the stories behind them, follow me here @kommienezuspadt!


I'm sorry to hear about your family's loss of your furbaby🌹
And about your car and computer "crashes".
On a lighter note glad you're back and sharing all your art with us :)
Sending you positive vibes for nothing but good ahead for the rest of the year for you and yours!

Amazing photography I can not wait for Steam-pocalypse and I really want to participate in a photo contest by you, Love post photography whenever I can. Thank you for making this @kommienezuspadt!

I'm so sorry to here about your furbaby. They always leave a hole in our hearts as pet lovers. All of it... I can certainly relate to! I'm glad you're pulling out of the funk that's so easily slipped into. :)

That being said, Molly is a classic beauty. I'm looking forward to seeing your work with her. Thank you so much for sharing! Resteemed. :)

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oh no! poor kitty! happy to be following you now though :) follow me if you want a laugh :)

hi my dear friend i like your post please visit my page and follow me

Dont waste ur talent, you will make a good model

Awesome shoots ! Really like it.

I was wondering where you guys were. I am so sorry to hear about poor kitty and sadness in your family. Sometimes you have to make difficult decisions.

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