Is this the end?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

It's been three years since I've been absent from my jungle king and now I feel like a jerk for not being around more often. I got a phone call earlier from my dad telling me that my cat's appetite has changed this past week. He scarcely eats and only drinks water. My dad admitted that he chose to finally tell me the news since he's seen a drastic change in Simba's appearance. I'm even more frustrated because I've had the time today to go see him but I'm unable to gain access into the house. 

Honestly, I don't know how to handle the situation. I've had this big baby for thirteen years which is the longest that I've ever had a pet and I don't know what to do. I called my mother to talk about Sim and she says that he looks comfortable and that we should just let him pass, but I disagree. How is starving yourself comfortable? I want to take him in but I fear that if it's not a reputable clinic then they will just put him down. 

I've been sending messages to my best friend @lonniedi and she's been helping me through my feelings. She's also been making suggestions such as searching for an affordable veterinary clinic, looking through forums to see if I can find answers to his symptom, reminding me that my company will bring him the most comfort. 

There is currently a massive downpour outside my window that matches my mood perfectly. Ugh, my heart breaks. 


Man's feelings are always purest and most glowing in the hour of meeting and of farewell. -Jean Paul Richter

My Heartfelt Condolences @vermillionfox

Thanks @greatdabu. It's been hard but I was able to spent a short time at @coffetto to keep me busy.

I am so sorry to hear about your baby. I got one too that I am constantly worrying about because of his age. He is around 10 now. 13 years thats not a bad run for a cat, he looks like he has had a long and happy kitty life whatever happens. I am sure he was happy being in a good home with owners that loved him to bits. I lost a German Sheperd Colly mix who had been my dads dog for 12 years around 4 months ago and that really hurt the old heart cockles. He was a family dog that I will sorely miss, like a little brother to me really.

Mental kitty hugs your way

Thank you for the support. Today has been a roller coaster. I knew that a day like this could come and I'm glad that he was able to live a happy life. I'm going to be a mess for the next few days.

My heart goes out to you. :( Take all the time you need. This place isn't going anywhere. Rest up and know a lot of people are around for you if you need.
Bear hug

If your pet suffers and does not eat or drink on it's own, IT"S time. There is NO MORE QUALITY in it's life at that point. Do the humane thing and take it to a vet who can humanely end it's sufferings. I had to do exactly the same. It's not easy but this is not for your good, it for Sim's good. Hang in there and let me know how it goes. I am here if you need a "shoulder" to cry on.

I ended up taking him to two different practices. Everyone was really kind up until the very end.

So sorry for your loss. Cherish the moments you spent together and the good life you gave him. Sending hugs.

I think you should make sure to find a reputable vet and take him in :( I'm so sorry...

Thank you. Yeah, we made it to two different locations.

That's so hard 😢 Sorry.

Thank you. It's going to be difficult the next few days.

you need to take the cat into a vet. If it's just something wrong and can be treated, he's suffering. If it is the end of his life cycle, do what is humane and say a gentle good bye.

Everyone at the hospital ensured his comfort and I was able to send him off.

That must be hard. Very hard. Hugs :(

I'm a reck. Thanks for the hugs. They're needed.

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