As talented in front of the camera as she is behind it!

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Good evening, Steemit! I’m sitting at the computer well after midnight, again. I’m really happy that all the HF20 business is stable and last week’s news. I did post during the transition to resource credits and equilibrium, but to @exyle’s advice, “…don’t kill yourself”. I like users that stay busy and active during the downtime. Hell. This is still the downtime I guess, so congratulations to everyone still churning out great content. Now, though, things feel back to normal and I couldn’t be happier.

Quickly, for anyone wondering about Trial by Comics. I am going to announce the winners tomorrow night and unveil the new theme. I had a lot of participants voice that they weren’t able to transact posts during HF20. In fairness to that, I extended the deadline so as long as your entries for “War” were in before Sunday at midnight, you’ll still be in the running to win this week’s contest. I’m really encouraged by all the outstanding Inktober work I’m seeing, so that may be swept up in the upcoming #trialbycomics theme.

Tonight’s photography features a beautiful model and extraordinary photographer named Christina Meerloo. Christina and I met about a year and a half ago when she offered to help style a shoot in New York City. She lived in New Jersey and was, unbeknownst to me, inspired by much of the dark pinup photography style I’ve developed since about 2012. She contacted me, we met at a swanky hotel in midtown Manhattan, she styled the shoot. It was great. 

She added me on Facebook and stayed in touch, occasionally consulting about photography. Her work speaks for itself and you should take a minute to follow her on Instagram at @meerloophotography. She has a darker, dreamy esthetic that obviously appeals to my taste. She has a unique eye for composition that I envy. After one of my travel notices to the east coast, she contacted me to book a session while I was in the area, and with that, we put it on the calendar.

 We shot at a really special restaurant in Bethlehem, PA called The Bookstore Speakeasy. Everything about it emulates an old speakeasy, with interesting decor, vintage furniture and memorable design through it’s winding turns between each room. It’s lit entirely with candles and oil lamps. Other than my friend @thomaskuntzart’s Spirit Room, it’s my favorite place I’ve ever shot in doors. I’d shot there once before with New York based model and tattoo artist, Alisha Gory, but having a second chance to shoot there with Christina was such a gift.

I do owe Christina another set or two from this shoot and as I’ve said in previous blogs, I am on a mission to finally catch up to a reason point in the work I still owe clients waiting after the time I’ve spent finishing Dark Pinup. Thanks for reading. For more photography, art, illustration and the stories behind the work, follow me here @kommienezuspadt!


I love these photos and the atmosphere ♥

Thank you so very much @merrij! :)

Very cool setting and it's from my neck of the woods, the north east having been born in Albany Med 36 years ago, now world traveler for almost half my life I've become a citizen of the world! lol

But whatever......these photos all but got me ummmm Hard Fork! Right that's what I should be writing you about. But seriously, love your photos, your talent and the model's talent shines through in each one.

Mentioning that hard fork, sure glad that is over with. That really messed up the rhythm for so many including myself, however it seems like you did a great job plowing right through it.

On another note, sad news my friend. One, I shouldn't be so quick to spew my personal info all over steemit as Miss Travel Pro and I are splitzville. Hot, heavy, and fast relationship I suppose. After all that steemy passion calmed down we were both left with two people who didn't even really like eachother's personalities, opinions, and world views.

Quite the shame as things seemed so different not that long ago. So I'm back in Travel singles world. Could be worse, Odessa Ukraine is loaded with beautiful women to date and I'm doing just that. Never know what tomorrow brings. Best wishes to you are your family. From Odessa! -Dan "World Travel Pro!"

Damn, sorry to hear that @world-travel-pro, but honestly, with your lifestyle, I'm really curious if a locked down relationship is the right thing. I could be talking out my ass and I don't have direct experience, so keep that in mind. My whole life I've been the one traveling [...not to your degree, but for my job] and my significant other would be in the same place. I've also done long distance relationships and that's never worked. Travel with your significant other is hard, taxing and complicated. You're enjoying a wealth of what the entire world has to offer, and you're young and passionate. Suck that all up and live it, man. You'll be so glad you did when you're old.

Thank you so much for the encouraging words. Truth is I've been traveling like this for basically my entire adult life since age 20, I'm now 36. The very best and happiest years of my life was with my five year long deeply loving relationship island hopping through south east asia. One romantic evening and daily adventure after another. Life was great. In fact This is my first year, almost two years now traveling solo. But you are right it's hard to find a girl that can hang with this lifestyle. Especially from a dating pool of the "real world" they just don't get it, and they are full of fear.

But But But! I've got a plan I'm going to use my wealth of travel knowledge to my advantage, and find the right dating pool for me.

I've concluded that there really is nobody on the planet just like me, living this life style, with a fiscally responsible and secure position, knowledge base, and experience at my age, who hasn't even worked in over a dozen years.

So the next closest thing will be hippies! Hippies that just want to drop of out of the rat race, hang out and travel, even if that means hitch hiking and living in a tent on the side of the road. I'm kind of hippy myself in a way, but very business minded, so who knows. I might find the right free spirit that I jive with, also digital nomads are good type for me I suppose.

I know of handful of spots on the planet where these people cluster. One is Chiang Mai Thailand, than two hours away on bus is Pai Thailand, Tong Sai Beach Thailand, then you have Ubud Bali Indonesia (where much of Eat Pray Love was filmed, Vilcabamba Ecuador, Goa India.....So next stop after steemfest I think is Chiang Mai and Pia.

I've got money and income and I'm very well off. But I may just go live in this hippy volunteer budhist temple in Pai and sleep on a mat and chat up the girls sleeping next to me! lol How about that for a dating plan! Also in these places, a successful "travel blogger" will be somewhat of a celebrity! Wish I thought of this sooner. What do you think?

Always enjoy corresponding with you. Thanks for taking the time and hopefully our paths cross in person one day.

Wow, that last one is absolutely classy! Great composition, @kommienezuspadt

I like users that stay busy and active during the downtime. Hell. This is still the downtime I guess (...)

Hehe, yeah it looks like we're still not over it. But keeping oneself busy is always a good strategy in life - both on and off the chain.

Thank you so much @surfermarly. She is a total bombshell, isn't she? So much fun to photograph her in such a beautiful space. I agree. I have no shortage of projects to keep me busy, outside of Steemit, and I'm a dad. The devil will never find work for my hands.

Wow, amazing pictures! Beautiful woman in a great red dress!

Thank you @tomhall. Yeah, she's a bombshell. Next time I talk to her, I'm really going to give her the unabridged Steemit talk and try to convince her she needs to be on the platform as a model and a photographer.


I hope we are starting to get back to the ole' steemit. I think in some ways things like #inktober, that is stuff used in other 'social media' popping up here is a good sign and a great way to get back into it.

More wonderful work from you. The colour and mood of the red dress photo is breathtaking. The light coming in on the right like that and the play of shadow on architectural forms, all right up my alley, Loving these!

Thank you @donnadavisart. I do like that you appreciate little compositional decisions like the shadows and surrounding architecture. Those things don't happen by accent and although they do tend to make an overall pleasing photo, most people don't notice them, especially with a bombshell in a red dress as the subject. Agreed as far as Inktober goes. I love seeing new art here in the community.

We are seeing little by little improvements after being inactive a few days, she is a photographer? but also a good model looks all intriguing, looks like a bad girl! but very sexy!
You have some sexy pictures of Alisha in the bookstore, she is very very hot!
There have been many designs to the inktober this year it is exciting to see so many artists united by the ink, it will be my first complete inktober, if I manage to do it! let's hope so :)
I made my only entrance to the theme of "War" but it was the day of the HF20 and it was practically lost; (. excited about the subject of the ink, although now it is a bit wet

Thank you for all the long time support @yanes94! I love that you remember the shoot with Alisha in the same restaurant. You've been a great supporter for so long. Yeah. HF20 seems to have upset some Steemit users. I made a few posts but I didn't go overboard and it was a somewhat relaxing for a day or two. I'm glad things are in order now and RC's will be so much better for platform stability in the future as Steemit grows.

Yeah, Steemit is a great community and there are many things that had to be corrected
we must wait as these changes are developing.
thanks for all the support you've given me, it's hard to miss out on all those incredible photos, she's so cute!
the days have been very busy with the inktober!

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