Macro: Hoverfly / Schwebfliege

in #photography5 years ago

The Hoverflies are true flying artists. They master the hover flight perfectly and can stand in the air, as well as fly forwards and backwards.

Die Schwebfliegen sind wahre Flugkünstler. Sie beherrschen sowohl den Schweb- oder Schwirrflug perfekt und können in der Luft stehen, als auch können sie vorwärts und rückwärts fliegen.

Hoverfly / Schwebfliege

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
ISO 200 • f/5 • 1/125 sec • @105 mm

Because the hoverflies feed on nectar and pollen, they are among the most important pollinators in addition to bees.

Weil sich die Schwebfliegen von Nektar und Pollen ernähren, zählen sie neben den Bienen zu den wichtigsten Bestäubern.

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
ISO 200 • f/5 • 1/125 sec • @105 mm

There are a few different species of hoverflies. Because most of them look very similar, I do not dare to commit myself to a specific name, although I think it might be a Marmalade Hoverfly / Episyrphus balteatus.

Von den Schwebfliegen gibt es einige verschiedene Arten. Weil sich die meisten ziemlich ähnlich sehen, traue ich mich nicht, mich tauf einen bestimmten Namen festzulegen, obwohl ich mir denke, dass es sich um eine Hainschwebfliege handeln dürfte.


Hoverfly Schwebfliegen

If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or a resteem 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so you do not miss a post from me anymore.

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have a nice evening,
Johann Piber

Photos and Text: Johann Piber
#originalcontent #originalworks #deutsch #austria #steemit-austria



all i know is that ilove them!

They are beautiful small insects, and I like them too :)
Thank you very much for your nice comment, @englishtchrivy 😊

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Na, das ist doch mal etwas anderes als das ständige "Insekt auf Blüte", das man hier ständig sieht. Insekt auf Stengel ist ja gleich ganz was anderen. ;)

Ich mache nur Spaß. Mir gefallen die Bilder, sie sind richtig klasse gemacht.

Jetzt bin ich mal überrascht, dass der Beitrag online ist, denn auf Steempeak habe ich ihn zwar für heute Abend terminisiert, aber dort war er dann im Bereich "Error" abgelegt und also nicht online. Nachdem Steemit noch immer nicht läuft, habe ich nun ein paar andere Frontends durchprobiert und auf einmal sehe ich, dass Palnet funktioniert und die Schwebfliege online ist ;)

Egal, ich danke dir für deinen Spaß und doch netten Kommentar 😊

Das Komische dabei ist, das ich für morgen ein weiteres Insektenmakro vorbereitet habe, wo im Einleitungssatz "... niemand will Insektenmakros auf Blumen sehen ..." steht 😉

Mal sehen, ob das über Palnet auch funktioniert: !BEER

upvoted and resteemed
by the


Thank you very much for resteeming my little hoverfly post, dear @artmentor 😊

Hoverflies are great objects for macro shots and you made fantastic photos.
Marmalade hoverfly, how interesting to name it as such. 😀

Sometimes this Hoverfly is called marmalade hoverfly, says Wikipedia ;)
Thank you so much, that you like the photos, Neli 😊

Hoverfly was the first successful macro shot I made amd ever since it is one of my favourite.
Your photos are briliant as always.

I love bees most of all insects, but the hoverflies are somehow very beautiful when you look closer at them. Their big eyes are amazing, and I try always to photograph one when it hovers in front of me, but I have never managed to get a sharp photo.

Oh yes, hoverflies look amazing withbtheir big eyes.
I love bees too and they are always busy buzzing. The big challenge for me was the close-up of wasp.

... and I have never photographed a wasp either ;)
Bees and all other insects are easier to photograph early in the morning, when it is not so warm and they move a bit slower.

Interesting! We don’t have these hovering flies here! They would confuse the birds!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Many people here think it's a bee 😉
Thank you so much, dear @kaminchan, have a great day 😀

Posted using Partiko Android


Posted using Partiko Android

I have no idea what type it is either but you have got amazing shots of this little beauty

now lets see if this comment goes through

3 tries to reply on Steempeak didn't work, but maybe this one on photostreem:

The comment is here 😊 but not on Steemit. Since a few minutes Steempeak is showing the comments and my latest post. Before that and have been online. Hopefully Steemit and everything else will be working again soon, because somehow it all is confusing me ;)

Thank you very much that you like the hoverfly, JJ 😊

I hope, you have had a good time without Steeming ;) I have used the time for family and for editing some photos :)

Steempeak for me is still a few days behind
Gidday mate heading in on the train now and not even going to try and do much this morning on here it’s kind of frustrating will try and see what is working at lunch time

Steempeak shows my post from yesterday (Hoverfly) and the latest comments.

Your lunch time is my dinner time, and I do also hope, that everything will be fine by then, because it is frustrating the way it is now, as you say :(

Steempeak just changed for me before that comment I made so maybe for you it’s working now also
Let’s hope when this chaos is over it’s stable for a while and no talk of a HF 23

No, I have just tried, and I still cannot comment. Yes, let's hope.
If it works tonight, I will post a rainbow - if not it will be a stink bug ;)

OK either way I will look forward to your post ;)

It will be the rainbow - everything is working fine again for me 😊

phh lets try this as well then !BEER

The reply on Steempeak doesn't seem to work, so I try to reply to this comment on 😉
I have tried so send some !BEER too today, but I don't think, the command works on other frontends than Steemit ... but thank you JJ 😊

I was just seeing what’s working on different places seems not to much
Well maybe I should focus on work at work today lol 😂

That's a good idea - why did not I come up with the idea that I could work instead of trying to Steem :) lol

LMAO I know such a radical idea isn’t it

But I suspect our bosses may like the idea 💡

Who cares about a boss? There are more important things to do than work - the work, which I should do today will still be here tomorrow ;)

LOL thats kind of the attitude i have these days to be honest LOL

Fully understandable after so many years being busy, and I'm sure you still do your work on time :)

Great info and fantastic photos!

Thank you, that I could tell you something new, and that you like my photos, @melshadow 😀

I always say, that Steemit is a great educational platform too 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow, it seems to be too early in the morning for me, because I forgot one thing again: !BEER

Posted using Partiko Android

Never heard of them ... They look a little like a bee.

As far as I know, they are living quite worldwide, but maybe they don't get noticed, because they look like wasps or bees, as you say.
Thanks for your comment.
I wonder, if the !BEER already works ;)

Beautiful and alive

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, alive, why not? Thank you, that you like the photos, @shuvo35 😊

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