Brahmas at Bedtime

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

I share my life with a mixed flock of part-rescue chickens, with whom I am privileged to be good friends. As well as amusing, delighting, and keeping me company, the hens also lay the eggs for the B&B I run in the Peak District. We've 4 fully grown roosters, too, and 3 young cockerels - yes, it IS possible to keep multiple 'roos' together, under the right circumstances.

As I mentioned in my #introduceyourself post, chickens are a passion of mine, so I suspect this will not be the last article I post on the subject :o)

So, without further ado, here are a few photos of some of our Brahmas, getting ready for bed tonight. Brahmas are the gentle giants of the chicken world, and with their beautiful (and highly photogenic!) plumage and masses of character, they are a LOT of fun to spend time with, too!

(Note: Our feathered friends all have safe enclosures and houses for overnighting, but have free access to 15 acres of land during daylight hours)

3 week old Silver Blue Brahma chick on the wrong side of the fence - that's Mama on the other side!

Dark Brahma hen Suma with her now very-leggy chicks, who never want to go to bed...

Suma's half-sisters Fatima, Chestnut and Maggie, watching the sunset - and me :o)

OK, so Chessy looked rather alien on that last one - so here's one of her looking pretty...

And last but certainly not least - my 'baby', Sunny The Sunbird, who has a phobia of chickens and loves cuddles more than anything else on earth. "Help me doctor - my mother thinks I'm a chicken!"

Steem on, brothers and sisters :o) With love - Jay

Camera - Olympus OMD EM-1 with Olympus M.Zuiko 12-50mm Lens

Please note that all the images above are my own creation. If you enjoy supporting independent, creative photographers, please feel free to upvote and/or share my posts. However, please refrain from plagiarising my work - as its sole creator, I do retain the copyright to it, and do not wish others to use it for their own purposes without my express permission


Love your feathered friends! I'll have to do a post about ours sometime. We've got 2 Black Orpingtons, 5 Cochins, 3 Americaunas (Easter Eggers... we had 5 until an unfortunate incident last week), 4 babies of unknown genetics (FUZZY!!!), and 1 exhausted rooster who gets some every single day.

Me too, steemitpatina - 'crazy chicken lady' through and through :o) I'm not sure how many Steemers share our passion, but I'd be very happy to see photos of your feathered buddies :o)

Was it an unfortunate incident of the fox-related type? We've had a few of those in the 2 years I've been looking after our chucks...

We are currently human companions to:

7 Warren (ex battery) hens
2 Orpington hens
1 Lincolnshire Buff cock (the geriatric patriarch of the flock)
1 Welsummer hen
1 Exchequer Leghorn hen
1 brown Leghorn hen
2 Copper Blue Marans hens
1 Rhode Island Red cockerel
1 Bantam Wyandotte hen
2 Black Silkie hens
2 Mille Fleur Frizzle Pekin Bantam hens
1 Mille Fleur Frizzle Pekin cockerel
1 Silver Blue Brahma cockerel
4 Dark Brahma hens
1 Silver Blue Brahma broiler (Sunny)
2 Brahmarans (Brahma x Marans) broilers
4 very cute Brahma chicks

I hope I haven't forgotten anyone - that would be unforgiveable! ;o)

What beautiful plumage! I have not seen this breed of chicken before. Your post made me smile, thanks!

I'm glad that my friends made you smile, marciaurila: they have that affect on me, too - not just their beauty (I agree, they are beautiful) but also their character: they are wonderful to spend time with :o)

Oh, great photos. I used to raise chickens on a farm in Puerto Rico. I would spend hours in the cage with them just watching the little ones. :)

Thank you, mike :o) They are just so lovely to spend time with, aren't they? And the chicks are just...well...I can't find words for how adorable they are :o)

Here is a picture I took of ours. We called them churkens. Kind of a chicken turkey mix because of their bare necks.

Wow! I have never seen those before!! And that's what I'm talking about right there - look how sweet she is, showing them the food; and the little tuckers watching her so intently. OMG...chickens <3 And churkens ;o)

Aww, my urge on seeing the first pic of the chick was wanting to cuddle it so bad... then I thought that would seem weird. Until I got to the last pic and then it didn't seem so weird either, and I want to pet that one too! I've been planning to post about birds for the past week, my husband and me keep dreaming of having a whole flock of assorted ones again when we get some land for it. I miss how the chickens would follow me around outside, and he grew up with Turkeys that still remembered him and wanted to be held when he went back to visit like ten years later. He says one used to come over, head bunt him until he got chin scritches then make happy bird purring sounds. Any stopping of the petting got more head bunts and stares. Birds are great friends!

Heheh - definitely not weird by my standards, lunnettik! They are VERY cuddly - even cuddlier now that they're a bit older, so there's even more chick to cuddle :o) Birds do make wonderful friends - and they never forget you, you're quite right... I'll look out for your chicken posts for sure!

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