
Thanks for the recommendation. I have tried to use photoshop but the end result tends to be shit in most cases because I have to do everything manually...

What software do you generally use for photo processing? Photoshop? Lightroom?

Both but mostly just Photoshop. I am used to it so it's easy for me to use. Oh and I can also manipulate everything I want which is great. For example, I painted the light coming from these lightbulbs in this picture and added the glow to the nearby objects.

I use mainly Darktable, it's a software similar to Lightroom (the play on the name suggests as much yea), but it's free and doesn't lag hugely behind Lightroom on functionality either. They are both blackroom ("film developing") softwares.

Anyway as I can't do everything in Darktable, I did something similar to what you did, to a candle light using Gimp:

Candle Lanterns
Candle Lanterns, OPED #170

This is something I find I very rarely need to do because after all, when shooting the photos, I make sure I don't have to sit too long in front of the computer post-processing the stuff. Sometimes it just doesn't work and I need to bust my ass off trying to clean some forgotten background haze off the image. ;)

On varmaan ollu hauskaa :D

Mulla on ongelmana se, että olen ensimmäinen ikäluokka joka pääsee tekemään YO-kokeet sähköisesti. Ne tämän hetkisetkään kokeen teko sovellukset ja itse kokeet eivät ole olleet hyviä eikä kyllä toimivia aina.

Koneella oon jo tehny suunnilleen 8 pitkän matikan koetta. Muuten ihan kätevää kun laskinta on nopeempi käyttää koneella, mutta heti kun pitää jotain piirtää niin menee mahdottomaksi. Saa nähdä mitenkä se YO-koe menee tämmösenä "testiryhmänä".

I might give Darktable a try tomorrow.

But Gimp. I never want to touch it again. I just absolutely hate it and it doesn't help that I had to use it in one math exam. I just ended up wasting time instead of getting anything done.

I can guess what happened.

Yes, whenever you need to do something, always use tools you already know how to use, don't learn new tool while you should be doing something productive. Gimp is good, but only if you already know how to use it. Otherwise I can relate to your frustration.

Disclaimer: I once tried using LaTeX for my thesis.

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