One more foggy shot from two days ago. :)

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Hello again! =)

This one is a contrasty shot, I really like the atmosphere on it.

I am definitely printing this out.

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50 mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/8.0
Exposure: 1/400 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

I don't know about you guys, but for me it oozes melancholy. But it's not a bad thing...

It's bedtime-story time now, so I'll be back later, after I read the boys some Harry Potter – Order of Phoenix.

See ya!

[Previous post: You may need to watch this film. (Your future may depend on it.)]

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I see boats! But where is the water :O Amazing! Never see that much of fog before! And if I could see those boats I will def think this is a plane land with lots of snow!


The water is under ice... or was... the ice is now melting super fast.

Those trees look like giant mushrooms in an alien world.

It does not have to be an alien world, there were giant mushrooms on earth millions of years ago, so it can be a photograph of the past taken by someone from the future for people of the present: D

Beautiful photo. It looks very bright even with the fog.

Oh! NO! This one is full of foreboding feeling! Too powerful and uncomfortable to stay with a long time!

Yeah, that one. One of my favourites. Even if it oozes melancholy :D

Yeah melancholy is not bad. In fact seems natural this time of year for us stuck in the snow when others have warmth and flowers.

That was the second to last real Winter day. It's warming up and all the snow and ice is melting very fast right now.

It looks a little sad and heart broken but is a great photo I really like the contrast and it does not lose its artistic value, really cool frame @gamer00

Friend. although you ooze melancholy without being a bad thing. I say for me it is a tremendous photo, excellent that this photo is printing it, because it is a perfect moment, that contrast from highest to lowest looks great. Thank you for sharing with us these beautiful shots .. For me they take me to a tranqulidad. detail each tree,. it's great

Is it a lake shore? because they look like some boats .. right

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

Yes it's a small boat harbour with a man-made bank around it, but since it's iced in, there aren't many boats in water and the water itself is not yet visible for all the snow and ice. :)

You should make a shot, but let that lake be in the background, Or it is in which I mention that it is a surrealist that in the background is the lake. I think the first photo of the first post in this type of photography where I told him that it was excellent to mount it in a painting.

I can see tree type is the same as the last one. But this time there more trees and that just makes it more beautiful.
I am also assuming that the presence of boats indicate water beyond the 'tree line'. The fog and the unseen water ...........imagination is a wonderful thing particularly when image driving it is beautiful as well.

By the way I followed you. Your handle @hashcash reminded me of a proof-of-work e-mail spam limiting concept in the nineties. Not sure if you took it from there but I thought it was cool! :)

Thanks for the appreciation, i'm encouraged.

Thanks for the follow man. Really appreciated.
The name hashcash actually comes from a personal experience but I enjoy pun :-)

what an amazing photo, really-I loved it more than anything for its black and white-
regards @gamer00

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