Sunday Polaroids - Always About the Light

in #photography6 years ago


You have no idea how happy a Finnish person is when the winter is turning to spring and we are already having more than 12 hours of daylight!

It's only increasing from here until we get daylight for 20 hours, ahh, it's the most wonderful thing for a photographer who only uses available light and prefers the natural light. It's going to be the first summer since high school when I get to roam free and enjoy the summer (if it arrives, it's not always a given in Finland) and all the light with my camera, what ever time I want. Oh the freedom, I'm ecstatic about it!

Here I am enjoying the last rays of sunshine from the day, shining through a macrame curtain thingy, making for interesting shapes of light and shadow.




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I did not think you were such a needlewoman! I like.

lmao wtf this picture seems inappropriate for a general tipping bot

You havent seen The Matrix 2?;)

Fore sure but its freakin awesome nonetheless! I zoned out looking at it.

Nice :) @tipu upvote this post for 0.3 sbd

Ahh thats amazing to have so much daily sunshine! Love what you did with the shadows, nice addition to your polaroids!

Well, the sunshine will be a mystery, but at least some sort of daylight, and lot's of it during the summer time :D Thank you! :)

I am ho happy for you, it will boost your psychic! How do you sleep with only 4 hours of darkness?

It'll boost my psychoticism😈 There is this thing I do when I go to sleep, I close my eyes! Try it sometimes, it's fun!

Haha, sarcastic much? Well, I knew of this before, but I found especially for you, this article from a pretty credible source where it recommends having a completely dark and quiet room when you go to sleep, by other tips for a better sleep experience. Try to read take a look miss Evelyn, it can help you ;)

Me, sarcastic, never!

I also have curtains that can be closed to ensure darkness :) And I no longer have any problems with sleeping after I quit my day job :)

I no longer have any problems with sleeping after I quit my day job

I guess this should be added as a tip in that Harvard article :)) it will improve the lives of so many people!

How revolutionary right?! But it's actually pretty weird, I pretty much slept 2-3 hours at night and another 3 napping during the day, always tired. Now I don't need the nap anymore and happily sleep at night time :)

Indeed, interrupting your sleep is very bad and does not let your brain relax and process all the information that it got through the previous day, as you are stopping him in different sleep phases. This can seem unrelated, but it can be cool so: Have you ever tried lucid dreaming?

I have heard of that but I lack the patience to learn it, and quite frankly, I rather try to make my real life better, not the dreams :)

Mmmmm, yes.. the return of the light! Yes... as a Minnesotan, I can almost relate. It's 30°F (-1.11°C) here / 12:47 hours of sunlight, and increasing. :) Stay sunny Eve!!

I think the weather might not be that different from over there, you get snow too right? The temperature is the same in here right now, and it's promised a snow storm for tomorrow. Let us have summer soon! :)

Yeah, well it gets bitter cold here and we have PLENTY of snow, especially this year... yes more on the way for us as well! But, Helsinki is 15° further North than we are here in Minneapolis... so you have a little more darkness to contend with. But yes... Summer is welcome to arrive soon!!!

And I'm a few degrees north from Helsinki :) It's crazy how much snow we are getting this winter, but I don't mind at all! It's getting brighter by the day and soon we'll have that 20 hours of daylight, I love it :)

20 hours of daylight...! The only time I have experienced that is in Iceland. It's so surreal when the sunset and sunrise merge together like that. :) I had a hard time knowing when to sleep! Enjoy every last ray of light, you've earned it!

Well, it comes with a price, the same thing but reversed in the the winter :D Ahh, Iceland is one of the dream destinations on the travel list, it was probably awesome!

Maybe we can have SteemFest3 in Iceland. ;)

That would be insane, and we would be on an island so no one can escape...

enjoy the summer (if it arrives, it's not always a given in Finland)

Note to foreigners: don't take the above literally. She probably only means that some summers are too cool for summer activities like swimming in lakes or the sea. There is no such thing as no summer in Finland. There are no polar bears in Finland, either.

Shhhh, don't tell them our secrets! There are polar bears, Santa Claus is real and lives in Lapland and and and all we see in the night time is Northern Lights!

Whaaa? You get even 20 hours of daylight? How can you sleep?

Great polaroids though! Seems like you're really enjoying the sunshine...I wish the Netherlands stopped with this rain-craze and show some warmth too..

Yes, in the summer we do, though it doesn't always mean that it will be sunny and warm, just that the sun is up but it's behind the clouds :D I'm a well trained sleeper, I used to sleep on the daytime a lot :D

Thank you, I do love to play with the light and shadows :) Is Holland taking over Steemit, seems to be a lot of you here these days :)

Ahh alright, I guess all of the Scandinavia needs to train for their sleep with these kinds of diversions :)

Hahaha, don't worry/start celebrating, I'm not really Dutch, I just have the pleasure of living in this country :D

I just went by your blog, you seem like an entertaining person and I started following you, can't wait to see what you come up with next :)

Thank you! I'm also following you because you seem like a talented photographer - makes me feel in awe because I cannot even take a normal selfie :)

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