
@runrudy - am a woman :D
ivy not chrivy - english - tchr(teacher) - ivy
everyone thought am a man - hahahha
specially in the chat :D

That is crazy. You also had me fooled. I just went back to one of our first discussions four months ago. You asked me if I was pinoy and you wrote about someone named Rizal. I assumed "I shouldn't have done that" but I assumed Rizal was your wife. I have a gal cousin named Rizal in the P.I. Now I go through your blog and the few posts with images of yourself, I missed. Geez.. Even the wording and tone of your responses, kept me thinking, this guy is different : ) Hahaaha. I also kept thinking this guy was a really good cook. His wife must love him. Geez louise. I sincerely apologize for my mistake. I am so happy that you are a woman. It all makes sense now. You see! Another dumbass thing I get myself into : ) This could be a post in itself. Post title: Bonehead Runrudy Mistakes Englishtchrivy for a Guy. Well let's just leave it at that. Cheers to you, fair lady!

@runrudy really, you thought I was a guy?
hahahah - but my first profile pic was even my pic
even on the chat but everybody thinks am a guy
what on earth hahaha
am sure am straight - but I wonder why everybody thinks am a guy lol.

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