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RE: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Cymbals and An Alien On A Broken Spaceship

spot on!
unfortunately, I was a kid so yes for as long as I was there and was having asthma attacks - but hey this post is not to promote alternative medical solution
I appreciate it that you really read my post man. Thanks a lot! not many do that !
Not many Pinoys come to my page I have no idea why am not on trending on the #philippines so that must be it
but if one would attest and they are living in the countryside then they could tell you that unfortunately something like this still exists in my country specially in remote country side areas. They call them albularyo, faith healer etc etc
they have plenty of names but more commonly they are called as "quacks"


India is not very much different in this regard. Here many superstitions are still alive.

then you can relate :)
cest' la vie
makes more stories to tell :)

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