
Not sure if I'm one, when I was a child I lived in the woods, it was literally 50 meters walk from the front door, but not that many mushrooms around as far as I recollect, however we had all the plants and trees we can find in NL with stuff we can eat.

that's quite handy
miss it?

Actually, I would love to live in the middle of a forest! But I also love to live in the middle of a city where I live now. I'm sure at some stage in life, I go back to living in or close to nature again! I do sometimes miss it indeed to not be that close to forest, or dunes. It is so peaceful when being in nature, and I would love to being able to work from such peaceful place. Since my work is laptop, email and phone, I can do that anywhere; Perfect for nature office. With a car I can be at any place for meetings. Lately I'm thinking ore and more to change my life, and a may buy a camper bus! This could become my mobile home and office!

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