Color me Grateful

in #photography7 years ago

November is my month of giving thanks, daily gratitude for all that I have in life. I am immeasurably blessed for a loving family, each and every one of them. They have provided me love, support, and kindness when it is needed the most.

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Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, "you owe me" Look what happens with a love like that -- it lights the whole world — Hafiz

The tears.jpg


oh ohhh excitment level to DA max!! your title is OMG soo goooood :D 💖💖💖💖💖
so like the water drops betwin all flower leafs, great job :D Nice text, well done 💖 :D

There was a downpouring of rain and I had to brush off some of the dirt specs! Thank you so much for your comments!

They just gave me a warm-feel good! Have a fabulous evening! What are we having for dinner tonight???

ohh you got some nice light for beeing rain :D ha ha ;)
happy to, your pic was fab :D 💖💖💖💖
Me too :D got all cosy hi hi 💖💖
Hm ok THAT tatters post, i still havent eaten that :P or more, i havent eaten anyything yet LOL im considering making pesto pasta? Hmm Hmm maybe i should?

I used a flashlight. ;)

Pesta pasta is yummy! A nice green salad and I would call the health department for good nutrition. Yes! Do it!

Lol cheater 😉💗💗
Yes that is the best😀
Omg sooo funny lol hm tomorrows food, as i need to grab pics tooo, fare enuff? Get your parmesan , garlic wer making fr.o.m. scratch😉💗

Hey, you!! Scratch is the only way to go! Don't forget the basil! Nevermind, I had a garden full of it! Let me grab my pestle!

Go grab those shots! Bring the flashlight! ;)

I 200% Seconds that!! But why on earth dont peeps do homemade????😳😳😳
Wow now Im jealouse, i wanzzz herb garden
Hm Heay i will start one inside, tnx for the idea😀💗💗💗
Woohooo cooking is on lol
Il try flashyyy tooo& il Soo put the blaime on you😉😜😂💗💗

Haha! Blame it on me! Go ahead!

I make my own pasta too! It is so much better than the store bought!

Wow Lady Denise, Hafiz was correct and we both seem to be on the sun's wavelength, as I also placed a sun post just before you! Blessings and Upvoted!

I just looked! How beautiful that moon is, laced in between layers of clouds. I do love Hafiz and his words of wisdom.

Blessings to you, Sir Stephen! And thank you!

I didn't know that wonderful speech of Hafiz, but it is so heartwarming, as well es your wonderful words and photo, dear Denise! I take this great post to my wall!
Have a wonderful new week, my dear friend!

You are one of the people I am thankful to have in my corner, Patrick @pipurilla

You are the epitome of kind and genuine. Your personality has a gentle touch. I thank you. always for one of the people that keeps my faith in humanity.


May you also have a wonderful week coming your way!


Today we have - > Double Breaking News!

And already an edit on the previous - > Double Breaking News!

Check The Daily spotlights of 3 November 2017! You missed one? ----> #dailyspotlights

Your quality post caught my attention and I hope you benefit from my resteem. My followers have a refined appreciation for quality art. You might also enjoy my curated collection. To see the quality posts I have curated via resteem, see my blog @pixresteemer. If you want to know more about me and my mission, please check my introduction.

Thank you so much for the resteem @pixresteemer!

Beautiful photo to go with beautiful words..Thank you dswigle!

You are so sweet! Thank you so much @deerjay - by the way, my name is Denise, but, I definitely answer to anything ;)

I hope you have a most wonderul week!

Lol..thanks Denise. XOXO

My pleasure. Always.

What a beautiful way to celebrate November. Grateful hearts exude so much love unto others, only to be returned unto the giver. Blessings.

A circle of love. Absolutely. I love the way you think with your heart! XOXO

Be blessed, my friend.

That is so sweet, thank you!

Exellent flower - mother from my wife loves this one.

That is such a sweet thing to know that you shared the picture with your mother-in-law! Thank you!

Happy Monday Denise. What a beautiful glowing post in every way! Thank you so much.
I rather like this quote on the subject.....
"Gratitude is not an attitude. Gratitude is something that flows out of you when you are overwhelmed by what has been given to you " ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. Have a super steemy day xx

Oh! Yes! I love that one! There are just so many different ways to be grateful! Enough to keep me busy all year! ;)

Have a wonderful one SallyBeth!

Such a beautiful Image and a beautiful Sentiment, I sure all your family and friends feel equally blessed to have you in there lives :)

I am the one who feels blessed!

I feel much gratitude for being included in #thealliance by like-minded people, spreading the love. It is hard to not want to express my gratitude! You and others have enriched my life just a little bit more.

So, thank you. Again.

But you have also enriched ours so the thanks ashould and does go both ways :)

Wow, Sunshine, you really did a nice shot with these. Im always a sucker for water drops! You cant beat being grateful for what we have in life. You caught a nice upvote on this :)

Thank you! Good morning! Still I am such a sucker for waterdrops! I will run right out after the downpour or even a sprinkle. It has given me plenty of opportunities this weekend!

The feeling of genuine gratitude seems to just open up your heart for more goodness to enter into our experience we call life.

I am truly in awe with the occasional upvote of note. And yours every single day. Noted and appreciated. More than you will know.

Have a wonderful Monday! Make it count!

No worries. I'm working on my market Friday and standing in a long long line at Walmart. Not fun.

Oh, come'on Old Man. Come out and play. ;)

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