Lucky bird

in #photography6 years ago


Photography open a new window facing the world. With photography you can save every second and every moment of your life easily.
Photography makes things new around us, things that we easily pass form each other every day.
Photography is art and art is photography.
You know what, With the advent of technology, it does not cost much, to buy a Professional photography camera and you can easily capture beautiful photos with high quality by your mobile phone.
You only need a bit of virtuosity , creativity, and accuracy in recording moments.
You may start to feel a little frustrated at first, but do not give up and keep going.
Now, I would like to show you one of the first collections of my photos which I started to photograph.



من و آفتاب در تخت
با جاي خاليت
پهلو به پهلو مي رقصيم
قمريكان در سرسراي تِراس عاشقانه مي خوانند
دلبر عزيز
برخيز و بريز
برايشان به جاي آب ،عرق مي ريزم
جٓلد ارمني هاي من شده اند
آسمان را مست مست
دور دور مي كنند
در زمينه ي آبي
بعد تو همه چيز بهمن است
و اين خانه تا ابد



Sometimes the people around you ,
Won’t understand your journey.
They don’t need to, it’s not for them, so you use and enjoy it with all your power.


You only fail, when you stop.
So trust yourself and do your best.



“ I close my eyes
And fill my mouth with dreams
I am reclining
And my heart
Is shaking my head
This branch too
Has not my kind of madness! “



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