My barefoot life - some photos from the last few weeks

in #photofeed6 years ago (edited)


Some of you are already familiar with my passion for barefooting, which goes back some 11 years to a time when I was having trouble with the circulation to my feet.

Happily, ditching shoes for much of the time has led to my feet becoming far happier and healthier. Quite honestly, I don't need shoes anymore, my pads are so leathery and strong.

Who needs hiking boots? Not me!

So for those of you who are interested, this is what feet look like after over a decade of being bare. I guess if I'd been barefoot since birth, they'd be even more 'super-heroic', but I am still amazed by their flexibility and capability even after having to recover from 4 decades of being squashed into 'foot coffins'!

Here are a few photos of my barefooting adventures. Enjoy, if you do, and if not - scroll on by ;o)!

Super dusty after hiking the Roaches in Staffordshire

The barefoot artist - complete with paint splatters

Hot tarmac> No problemo!

Flexible toes cooling down in a stream

Feet and chickens - less scary than you might think. No toes were pecked during the capturing of this photograph

I hope you've enjoyed this post. As an independent, self-financing creative, and radically unschooling Mama, your support, kind-ness, and appreciation of my always-original content are most welcome! Please feel free to comment, upvote, Resteem or otherwise share this post if you feel called to do so.

With love,

Jay x


Such a lovely post of your happy bare feet 😁
I don't wear my "feet coffins" over the weekend at home but i know my workplace would disapprove not to mention Mr Policeman if i got stopped driving haha

Thank you, @missysheshe86 :o) I have really prioritised my barefooting more and more as the years have gone by, and have structured my life so that I don't have to do things that preclude going barefoot, including the way I earn money. I live in the UK, where it's perfectly legal to drive barefoot - which is FAR more enjoyable AND safer than driving wearing shoes, IMO :o)

Ooooh that's good news, i live in the UK too, i find it nice without shoes to drive with, i haven't been long distance trying this mind but now i know it's all legal there is nothing stopping me....

Good for you! I'm glad to have been able to help :o) (In all honesty, I just drove barefoot anyway - it was my fella who researched it and found out that it's 'legal' here: apparently he wouldn't have given me the keys to his car without shoes on otherwise!)

Haha well done hubby!
Enjoy your freedom!!

This is so unique, I haven't seen a post like this on Steemit before. And your feet look amazing after a decade!

Thank you! :o) I'm glad you found it interesting - maybe I can inspire you to free your feet a little? I hope so! x

as in 'barefoot in the park?'

As in, barefoot EVERYWHERE ;o)

Awesome, podiatrists love foot coffins. Our feet do not !

I was once told by a podiatrist's wife that she was "not allowed" by her husband to go barefoot as it "causes cracked heels". Oooooooohkay...!!!!!! (Her feet, from what I saw of them, were a) a mess and b) the least of her worries even so!)

I Used to work & play softball with a highly acclaimed foot surgeon. He would recommend his patients get surgery in a heartbeat for anything bothering them. But when a good player from his softball team asked him about the same issues he would tell them to avoid surgery at all costs.

My own numerous foot issues, mostly from playing sports with shoes when I was younger, have done nothing but get better since I started doing barefoot yoga & going shoeless more often. Sprinkle in some barefoot jiu jitsu & striking work & my feet are stronger & more functional than ever, which translates all the way up the kinetic chain, making me more athletic & healthier than ever. Bare feet is the truth 👍

Well, how lovely to find a fellow barefoot enthusiast here on Steemit! I also started out barefooting due to health issues, and the effect has been really dramatic. As you say, it has a knock-on effect throughout the entire body - the entire, holistic being, actually. The range of movement the feet make whilst free of shoes is just astounding and alters the entire physiology. "Use it or lose it", in action!

nice story about your barefoot adventures. I am back now and ready to post your bio! please, could you forward me the rest of the info!

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