A Moment That Changed My Life + tell me your story!

in #photofeed6 years ago

Good Morning and Happy Sunday, friends!

I want to share with you a decision that changed my life.

But before I start I would like to ask you to tell me, to tell all of us something positive that you've done or have witnessed in your own life.

We humans tend to focus on the negative, and there are legitimate productive reasons to do this, but it's easy to get dragged down into a cesspool of pessimism. It's nice, every one in a while, to be reminded of what was good in the past so that in dreaming of what is possible in the future we can act positively in the present.

This isn't a contest or a game: there are no rules, just a simple prompt. I don't care how short or long your story is , how seemingly mundane, only that it means something to you and that you share it. Sometimes the simplest things are the most profound, and the first steps the hardest.

There's a book by Haven Kimmel titled "She Got Up Off the Couch: And Other Heroic Acts". I want to hear about that time that you or someone you know got up off the couch.

brick by derek kind.jpg
A Scavenger Hunt image for "Brick"

Here's my story:

I'm posting on Steemit this morning because six years ago I decided "ah, what the heck, I'll give this a try."

I wasn't talking about Steemit then. I was on Google Plus, was new to the network and pretty new to photography too. It was 2012 and I was new to a lot of things.

Browsing on Google Plus I had come across this thing called Chrysta Rae's Photography Scavenger Hunt, and it looked fun but I didn't know anything about it, so I signed up (there was a limit of 500 people and I was one of the last). The concept of the Scavenger Hunt was that all the participants would be given 10 words, or themes, like "Purple" or "Gross," and we would have a month to create an image for each of these words. Afterwards our photos would be judged, winners awarded and all the images revealed publicly for everyone to see and comment on. It sounded fun - I was experimenting with different types of photography at that point and it was nice to have a target to aim at.

I signed up, got the list, and then did nothing for 28 days. On the 29th day I remembered that I hadn't done anything for the Hunt yet, and that maybe I should, but it seemed too hard to get all 10 photos in less than a couple of days. I almost gave up. It was at this moment that I had the life-changing thought "ah, what the heck, I'll give this a try."

Drinks on Fire by Derek Kind.jpg

And I did try. I started to brainstorm and I came up with a few ideas, I even took a couple of the photos and checked them off the list. Completion started to seem possible, but time was my enemy. It came down to the last night of the deadline, and I worked with my mom to come up with ideas and props, and found ways to shoot different concepts. Well after midnight I found myself outside on our walkway photographing a flaming drink in a glass (one of the themes was "Drinks on Fire"). The glass broke, but I got the shot. "This has to be the craziest thing I've ever done," I thought, not knowing the craziness it would inspire in later years.

I got my photos in before the deadline! Improbably, ten photos in less than two days, when I had been quite ready to give up just the day before. I submitted my pictures. One of them got a third place!!! This was a like a victory to me, and it inspired me to participate in the next round...and the next...and so on for many many years. The Scavenger Hunt community on Google Plus was incredible: tight, supportive, like a family - which is an odd thing to say about a photography group. I can't explain it, but it's true (we had a meetup in Las Vegas a couple of years ago, and it was like a family reunion).

Through the Hunt I learned how to be consciously creative as a photographer - how to work at being creative. I learned how to be competitive against myself while being supportive of others. I wanted to win, and that pushed me to go above and beyond, to take concepts one step farther, but I was just as happy to see my Scavenger friends taking those same steps. I won the Hunt and gained some recognition in the community and outside, and I started to feel like I really belonged, not just in the community but as a photographer. I made friends, and those friends lead to more friends. Most of my friends today are from the Scavenger Hunt: directly (like @jarvie, who I met after he judged the Hunt) or indirectly through people I met because of the Hunt (like @caseygrimley, who I met through @jarvie).

All of this has lead to wonderful opportunities and experiences. I've been in magazines, have competed and won the Photo Decathlon twice and have been given validating feedback from prominent photographers who I respect. Most of the traveling I have done in the last few years, the traveling that has allowed me to explore and create the kind of landscape photos that I love, was either with Scavenger friends or funded by work opportunities that came from Scavenger friends - and now here I am on Steemit because Scott @Jarvie called me up in January to tell me about this new network built on the blockchain that's going to become the next big thing. I said "okay" and the ball keeps rolling.

In short, who I am and most of what I do today is a direct result of a simple decision made on an unassuming spring afternoon six years ago: to get up and try.

So get up off the couch and do one very small thing right now (you can tell me your story later), and then follow it up with another very small thing. You might look back six years later and realize the first small thing was the biggest thing you've ever done.

Puppy by Derek Kind.jpg
Scavenger Hunt image for "Puppy"

Apologies, I have no time to proof and edit my writing - I didn't mean to write anything at all this morning, but it just happened - now I have to sleep! I may fix some things later.

Well you have a clear knack for composition @derekkind . When I saw your images coming up in the new feed for the first time I could tell straight-away you were a great photographer.

My story...well I started as a Mech Engineer, hated it (took 10 years to work that out!), went into IT. Have always been interested in astronomy and later dabbled in photography, then combined the 2 interests and ended up finding a couple of comets, which are named after me, and thats about it!

Geeking out here but I took some very simple photos of what I am now assuming was your Comet ! C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) on 17 Jan 2015. Was my first go at a comet so it was just taken with a 400mm lens. I was super excited at the time just to capture something. Have never shared them as they are not high quality compared to what is out there professionally. I have not edited them its just the in-camera JPG colour. Excited to think that you found this.


One with some trails.


Good work @interpidphotos as the tail was detailed but pretty faint I seem to remember and required a lot of exposure.

Small world! :D

Actually a very large one that we are observing the edge of through a small piece of ground glass. ;/). But yes I know what you mean!

Literalist! :P

I actually fluctulate between literalist and surrealist ; like some sort of mad man. It’s the middle ground that I can’t stand.

Well, if you can manage to find a balance between then, you'll find you're pretty well centered on reality.

Wow your that 'lovejoy' ! So epic.

Well thank you, @terrylovejoy, I appreciate your words! But now let me geek out a little here too - you're that Lovejoy? That's awesome!!! I'm going to have to check to see if I photographed one of your comet like @intrepidphotos did. I may have missed it, sadly, but we'll see. Thanks for sharing that. :)

That would be cool @derekkind it was early 2015 so have a look back around that time. Actually around the time of that Lunar Eclipse. There was also another Lovejoy comet back in late 2013 that was fairly bright as well.

Okay! I'm more likely to have caught the first one, I was pretty busy in the spring of 2015.

Hi @derekkind well expressed yourself with the title of your post. I wonder why you choose this title as I know there is a contest for such post in one of the discord . Since you are a photographer, I wonder you are one of the memeber in World of Photography discord?

I didn't choose the title for any particular reason, @digitalmind, it just came to me as I was preparing to post this. As it happens I did join the World of Photography discord but haven't spent time there. :)

Hi @derekkind. Thanks for your post. You have given me some inspiration and motivation. Recently for the past 3 months, I've been just "going with the flow" with my life. But out of the blue, i just decided to do the one thing I've always wanted to do and that was to backpack solo in indochina. And honestly, I dont know if i was able to do so since I dont have any finances to support this trip. But im blessed to have amazing people to support me in this. And now I am just a week away from my solo trip. Hoping this trip will give me a bit of inspiration and motivation to do better myself and my life. I am also starting photography and looking forward to take amazing shots from the trip. 😊

That's an awesome story, @indayclara, and I'm so happy for you! That sounds like a grand adventure, and grand adventures don't come along every day. They can change our perspective and be a turning point in our lives, but the hard part is when you get home at the end and think "now what?" so I wish you not only good luck on your backpacking trip, but continued inspiration afterwards! :)

I somehow suspect signing up for Steemit might change my life in a few years...

I love your story, it's really important to have that 'spark' of inspiration and GO for it and grow it into something that becomes an important part of your life!

Happy you were able to find that 'one thing' :-)

I hope so! As long as Steeming is fulfilling in the preset, we can be patient for what the future might bring. :)

One wonders how many of the sparks of potential we pass up every day because we don't see them for what they are? Maybe it's better not to wonder - that could be a paralyzing thought.

Thanks for your story

You're welcome!

Thanks for sharing this story.
(I'd reply more if my brain wasn't fried.)

I understand. ;)

Thanks for sharing this with us Derek. Always nice to hear the circumstances when strong connections form. Lots of inspiring things happen in life. Too many to list here.

They do, but we often forget them, which is why it's nice to think back and list them for our own sakes. :)

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