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RE: Why Do the Rich Think About Being Poor? (With an Original Artwork)

in #philosophy6 years ago

Phil, I'm a fan of your writing style. Your posts are filled with all kinds of moods and ramblings which I really enjoy. I studied Psychology and Philosophy at University and can relate to a lot of your thoughts. Not that i've really 'used' that degree, but I don't really think you need to. It's one that enriches your mind and understanding so much that you need not really 'use' it in a professional sense.
I actually have a lot of friends who also have a similar feeling to the one described here. Not so much wanting to be poor, but rather wanting to be damaged or struggling in some way. A lot of the 'rich kids' I know turn to drink or drugs and form habits much more easily, just because they want to wreck themselves in some way to feel something they aren't used to. To feel out of their comfort zones - perhaps?
I can also personally relate. I wanted to start my own business because I needed to do something for myself and feel what it's like to truly graft and be uncomfortable with not having enough cash. Now I know that actually it's not really that fun, but I would still choose this any day over working a high paid job in an office or having cash given to me from my parents. So little becomes worth so much.
There are many things you can do to address this feeling. Try something that requires your complete dedication, something you can't back out of.
All just ideas. :-) I'll be following you!


Once again thank you so much for the comment. If I could I would send you a freshly baked loaf of South African sourdough bread! Yes what you said makes sense and I can relate. I want to start a small bakery and in a sense "struggle" through it to make it a success. I want to earn it. Maybe that can also be an explanation? Some people, like the "rich kids", feel they don't earn it so they don't want it, so they break themselves down in order to be at the bottom and then work from the bottom up. But drug and drink doesn't just break you down to the bottom, but it hurts your inner self and you may never get back.
There are so much one can talk about this! If you ever come to Cape Town pop a message or something and we can further this awesome discussion over a cup of coffee and some bread! Thanks again.

I really want to make it to Cape Town. I've heard so many amazing things. You know, I really think you should open a bakery! That would be amazing!! You're clearly very talented so you may as well. I'll keep following your posts for now. Please keep them coming!

I saw your #SBO video and I think it is great! With this small bakery that I want to open, it is going to be very helpful to read what others have to say. I should maybe write a small piece and post it there to ask some advice etc. This is why I love steemit!! :D

I really think you should! :-)

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