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RE: Taming The Tempest & Surfing The Tides Of Change

I note you channeled your negative energy into a productive work, which benefited my understanding greatly. Similarly I have long embraced - not shunned - fear, as my very best friend. It keeps me on my toes, makes me pay attention, alerts me to danger that could do very bad things to me. It's my greatest ally, and I keep it close always.

Today, I fear Agenda 2030 is nearly about to be undertaken with extreme prejudice by seizing this pandemic to effect global quarantine that essentially eliminates human freedom, and society itself. What society is there when we're packed into cages like lab rats, dependent on our captors for our very lives. We will pray we are not used for horrific terminal research, like other lab animals.

This fear gives me impetus to prevent suffering that fate.

We can drop the R0 of the pandemic below 1, and if we do that the pandemic is over.

I encourage everyone to undertake reasonable actions to prevent spreading the virus, such as not touching public surfaces without wiping them down with bleach first, not shaking hands, hugging, or kissing in greeting: keeping our fluids to ourselves. If we successfully limit the viruses ability to be transmitted enough, there will no longer be any justification or quarantine, and they will not be able to get us to agree to it.

Not only our meagre lives depend on it, but humanity itself.


Yes, I tend to feel that by mastering ourselves our every emotion can be channeled towards either a positive or productive outcome, indeed justified anger can change the world. From that perspective I've been busy gathering all the references for part 3 of my series, and I've so far assembled nearly 50 scientific papers.

In respect of Covid 19, I can relate to your concerns and equally it could provide a smokescreen to crash the world economy and restart it with a digital control grid .. indeed I note the confiscation of (how does the song go) "dirty cash". Bearing in mind our current trajectory/synchronicity towards mandated vaccinations this could also be used to breach our previous moral defenses and bring in mandated controls over what we put into our bodies. Whilst it could be, I'm not sure that this is THE EVENT .. but like waves of control that increase in momentum, whatever the outcome, the reaction (whether overt of behind the scenes) will be used to climb another rung on the ladder of totalitarianism .. indeed "they never let a good crisis go to waste". Thank you @valued-customer

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