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RE: Taming The Tempest & Surfing The Tides Of Change

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)

Yes, I tend to feel that by mastering ourselves our every emotion can be channeled towards either a positive or productive outcome, indeed justified anger can change the world. From that perspective I've been busy gathering all the references for part 3 of my series, and I've so far assembled nearly 50 scientific papers.

In respect of Covid 19, I can relate to your concerns and equally it could provide a smokescreen to crash the world economy and restart it with a digital control grid .. indeed I note the confiscation of (how does the song go) "dirty cash". Bearing in mind our current trajectory/synchronicity towards mandated vaccinations this could also be used to breach our previous moral defenses and bring in mandated controls over what we put into our bodies. Whilst it could be, I'm not sure that this is THE EVENT .. but like waves of control that increase in momentum, whatever the outcome, the reaction (whether overt of behind the scenes) will be used to climb another rung on the ladder of totalitarianism .. indeed "they never let a good crisis go to waste". Thank you @valued-customer