Unremembered, not forgotten

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Normally reserved for Royalty, leaders of countries and CEO's; over the last years, legacy has appeared more heavily into the vernacular in regards to the average person.

Legacy is not just what will be left as an inheritance, it is the concept of the person themselves. How will they be remembered and for what they will be remembered. We are planning and curating a reputation to mark our grave.

This seems to be tied to our likely human fascination with immortality as we tend to fancy ourselves worthy of eternity. We seem to have a little bit of a God complex. Perhaps this has been learned from the kings and queens, then the leaders of a country and then the CEO as each layer raises themselves and gets lifted onto a pedestal, positioned for worship and the ego grows. Now, it is our turn, the 'average royal.'

Sign your name

In the age of claiming individuality and uniquity, we now fancy ourselves the new royalty and this role requires remembrance and therefore, investment into building a profile to worship, an altar of me.

Who do we want to remember us? Everyone. We want family to remember all that we have done for them, friends to remember all of the good times shared and strangers to remember how we were, at least, how we want them to think we were.

This is done in hundreds of ways, like a child that has newly learned how to write their name, we want to label everything we touch as ours. Mark our territory, stake a claim, take ownership with our self-awarded entitlement. We want all to know, this is who we were, this is how we lived our lives, bear witness, carry the message of me on.

But, who will remember?

While driving recently, my wife and I were listening to the Beatles while our daughter slept. She commented how the songs have stood the test of time and when Come Together came on, I mentioned that I think the song was well ahead of its time both lyrically and musically. Then I remembered something that I had heard some time ago.

When the song FourFiveSeconds was released by Rihanna, West and McCartney, some young people commented on social media how great it is that they had given the chance and exposure to the old guy on guitar. Of course, they were mocked mercilessly for their ignorance but for many of the younger generations, how would they know who he is?

It doesn't matter whether they can name the man, know one of his songs or have heard of the Beatles at all, they have all been affected by his legacy. This is because what he created inspired others to create. His words and music added ripples in time.

Unremembered, but not forgotten

Legacy to me is not what you will be remembered for leaving behind, it is what will live on through others, and this will influence in massively random and unknown ways. Legacy is inspiring those connected with in a way that sets off a chain reaction of events that will grow and reduce organically but, have the ability to never stop affecting the world until no one carries any instance or trace of the movement.

Inspiration can take many shapes, and manifest in another person in many forms and they can be as much negative as positive. Intention and action are rarely unified but influence will always tie itself to the action. The intention just allows us to justify and comfort ourselves when we missed the target, when we failed to achieve what we set out to do.

Our actions will live forever in the millions of micro movements we set in motion, just as all of the history and experience of the world has been carried through to influence us, genetically, culturally, emotionally.

We will be remembered, but in time, no one will recall our names.

[ a Steem original ]


Pour Paul McCartney, at least John didn't live long enough to become a ghost...

Most of us are feeling like ghosts these days and this is perhaps why the idea of building a legacy keeps advancing. It could be the social media combination of self-branding and disconnection from community.

Legacy to me is not what you will be remembered for leaving behind, it is what will live on through others

This isn't far from my definition at all. As a matter of fact one of my life's goals is to impact as many people here on Earth as I can. That's my simple definition legacy

Sorry about not having much to add to your post, but I have to say that this photo of your daughter is lovely! Did you ask her to pose for the picture? Or was she just giving her face a spontaneous sunbath? :D

I just grab photos when i can which is lucky because, she is the worst poser ever and is rarely still :)

an alter of me.

Did you want "altar" by any chance? The sentence still parses but my brain kind of hung trying to make it fit with the context XD

some young people commented on social media how great it is that they had given the chance and exposure to the old guy on guitar. Of course, they were mocked mercilessly for their ignorance but for many of the younger generations, how would they know who he is?

Internet? :D

In fairness to them though that would require realising that the thing/idea one thinks is new might not be that new.

Also, the people doing the mocking could have tried informing them instead of being arseholes about it, but I don't know anything :)

Did you want "altar" by any chance?

Yes I did.. damn it. Will edit.

Internet? :D

You'd think but the URL wasn't held up by a Kardashian on instagram. ;)

So glad I wasn't eating or drinking while checking replies XD

Hi Taraz. I think you are a piece of your children. You strive to give them everything you had and more. You want the best for your daughter and everything you do is really for her. The legacy is what you have given her and what she achieves in life. I don't want my kids and grand kids to struggle like I have and to be able to give them a hand up in life. I did inherit anything from my dad and probably not from my mom either. I don't expect anyway as I am not like that. When I leave this place I want to know my family is in good hands and think along the same lines as I think in passing down whatever wealth there is. My family in past generations owned huge stakes of property in London (French Embassy) and somehow, someone lost it all. My thinking is it should be easier for each generation adding to what they inherited. That is what I want to start and be remembered for.

My thinking is it should be easier for each generation adding to what they inherited.

I agree and I don't think it is limited to the wealth/money etc. Potentially, the easier of the future will be a point where there is no need for wealth but, there is ample opportunity to grow as a person.

I just want to have a positive impact on those in my circle. Everyone else is a plus, The ripples will take care of that without my help. I guess I am just a simple guy.
There a so many people who have accomplished and achieved great things and no one knows there names or even what they did

I just want to have a positive impact on those in my circle.

The circles are no longer the family or neighbour anymore, they are the people you interact with globally. The stones we used to cast into the local pond are now going into the largest oceans. The impact may not be as great but, the ripples change experience still.

The ripples are the same its just that it has to compete with so many more ripples and the chance of being drown out is greater and more likely. That's where the communities help by reducing or making ponds . But there are draw backs to that also.
No matter what it is people need to take responsibility and grow with the environment. Making mistakes and hopefully learning from it and applying it in the future.

No matter what it is people need to take responsibility and grow with the environment. Making mistakes and hopefully learning from it and applying it in the future.

Here, real world, anywhere.

No matter what it is people need to take responsibility and grow with the environment. Making mistakes and hopefully learning from it and applying it in the future.

Here, real world, anywhere.

Personally, I've not thought so much about the mark I will make when when I leave this earth. That puts so much pressure on people to perform. I take the example of Nelson Mandela, who lived serving his people. He never thought that he would be a symbol of justice and freedom.
I do not care so much about being remembered. As your post revealed, no one is remembered for so long. I've read about the Beatles but never heard any of their songs. But at some point this boy-band existed and they were a worldwide sensation. They simple just did what they loved doing--making good music, without paying so much attention as to leaving a legacy, which they did.
Like your post explains, it's not all about being remembered but having an impact that out lives your lifespan. That can be accomplished by doing even the littliest of things.

I take the example of Nelson Mandela, who lived serving his people. He never thought that he would be a symbol of justice and freedom.

How can you know? At some point he likely recognised his own influence and that will have affected his future action from that point. He was not a blind man, he aid attention so it is unlikely that he missed it.

I've read about the Beatles but never heard any of their songs.


They simple just did what they loved doing--making good music, without paying so much attention as to leaving a legacy, which they did.

This is what everyone should be doing.

The legacy for me is a brand, a trace that is transmitted from generation to generation and is not erased. Maybe we are forgotten but the brand remains and that nobody will forget it.

The traditions change over time yet people want to hold on to them as if they are important. The change is the adaption to the environment and to not adapt, is to become irrelevant.

That's quite inspirational, the idea of moving future minds to action. Much more motivational than the idea of morphing into a gravestone epitaph. :)

Many still worry about how they will be remembered by their friends and family forgetting that they too will pass on and fade away. Do what you love, influence through action.

I've found myself quite often thinking along some of these lines. Just the other night teaching my son how to do underlayment in preparation to lay a new tile floor his girlfriend quipped at us it was amazing the two of us ever make through these little projects together. As I was leaving I thought to myself he may consider it a "burden" on his time to do something he particularly doesn't want to do but one day when I am long gone I am sure he'll be grateful for the lessons taught, the ability to do things that would otherwise cost him a lot but much more will be the wish I was still there guiding him to his future that will be without me.

It is interesting as parents are one of those 'don't know til gone' situations for the children. Many regrets are held by those who didn't take advantage of the resource of age, experience and wisdom when it was available to them. Part of the reason for my blog is so that if something happens to me, my daughter will still have some of my thoughts, not just some of my stuff.

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