85% and then: Brainwashing children

in #philosophy6 years ago

When we are born, our brains are not very well developed but, by the time we are three years of age, 85% of the structure is in place. I was listening to a talk the other day and heard an idea that I (and many others) likely suspected. Parenting matters.

Well, of course.

One thing that stood out to me (based on my profession) was the difference in vocabulary development and the effects it has on reading and education success in later years. Low income children (US) in several studies have been found that by the age of three, they have heard 30 million fewer words than their more affluent counterparts. This has pronounced effects on future schooling achievements.

You might say something like 'School doesn't really matter' and you are probably right based on the content however, that is not what I am interested in here. It is the ability to learn that is affected, the ability to read and retain information. This will have an effect on independent study also.

However again, this is not what I want to focus on, I want to have a look at the 85% of the brain that is developed in the first three years and how much effect it may have. If missing 30 million words reduces schooling scores, what else could be affected?

People hand their kids phones and tablets and give them games to play, they sit them in front of televisions, they feed them low quality, sugary food, provide them with pointless toys and often see them more as a nuisance than humanity's future. Some people think that playing with tech early on is going to help them develop practical skills for the future. I disagree.

The games (even the educational ones) are engineered, they are feedback looped, narrow pathed, narrow skilled platforms that highly emphasize some development over others. They are addictive through their dopamine release over the slightest wins and train repetition of task. The jobs of the future are going to almost certainly be creative, games are not at all.

What they do train however is consumption. They train us to sit and eat over and over and feel good about it and then, when we have had our fill of that version, buy the next with slight changes and eat it all again. Our entire world is set up this way, it is an advertiser's dream, an artist's unknown nightmare.

The problem is that the people making the decisions for the children don't realise, they think they are so clever because, they are okay now. Very few parents in this world today grew up with a smart phone in their hands from birth yet, they are providing their children with this luxury.

I wrote a post a week or two back about teenagers being unable to look others in the eyes and I think this is an indicator of much more to come. Those first years where 85% of the brain is built is critical to their future abilities. Again, one can argue that in the future, new skills will have value but, I don't think these are the skills.

Anecdotally, I have several friends who are kindergarten and early primary school teachers, all of them have mentioned that they are increasingly having to teach children how to play, they literally have to teach children how to be children. The older teachers are surprised at how rapid the deterioration has been. They put it down to gaming and parenting values and they are right but, what does this lead to?

I would assume low curiosity and by extension, low creativity. The consumer brain does not look for challenge, it looks for ease of use, ease of discovery, and demand drives supply. The providers are only too willing to sell their wares to consumers but, they do not need to get increasingly clever about it as if you haven't noticed, the collective gullibility is going up as critical thinking and diversity of thought plunge.

We are so easily fed, we are so easily manipulated, we are so easily led.

That 85% is critical to a child's future opportunity and ability but, how many parents really consider this? How many think about the environment they create, the enrichment they provide and the effort and attention they give their children. I am not talking piano lessons, this goes well beyond that.

I see 2 year olds at the supermarket staring at a screen, I see young families at cafes and all are staring at screens, I see parents feeding their children junk and the children's bodies show the damage being done. Where does this lead our world, what opportunities await our children in their future? Do you care?

I do but, I am only responsible for one of those children, my daughter and I think about these things daily. A child's life can be fun, filled with wonder, laughter, enjoyment and love and still be educational. In fact I think it is those things that drive education, drive the curiosity and creativity.

But, it is hard isn't it? Parents know. It is difficult to get things done when a whiny child is pulling at the leg, it is hard to still find time to socialize and have a life when a child wants their mum or dad to lay on the floor and play Lego or, sit on the couch and read books. Children eat a massive amount of the day yet, you are responsible for them. Those first years are critical, why have children if you aren't willing to do your level best to provide them the best start you can?

And then, we look to the drive of the consumer mind again. It is not just the children who are hacked, it is the parents too. Us. Here we are scrolling feeds of useless pictures, talking about inane topics, worrying about pointless shows and movies and gossiping about the latest scandals to rock Hollywood. Here we are getting our little doses of dopamine at irrelevant achievements and training our kids to do the same.

You don't see? You think you are too smart to be manipulated? You think 'parent knows best'? Are you sure? We talk about the manipulations of the corporations, the banks and the governments and then, we provide our children with their products so we can have some time to ourselves, so we can be fed and led as well.

We are brainwashed into thinking we aren't, while we build our children to be consumers.

[ a Steemit original ]


Hot topic for me! I am horrified at today's parents! They don't read to them, the don't give them quality attention~only negative and they are in their own world with a phone 24/7.
As I write this my neighbor who has 2 children under the age of 4 has one who screams blood-curdling screams for hours on end! This is NOT normal and I will be knocking on their door to see if the child is okay. I know children come with no instructions, but common sense has disappeared from our society. I've blogged about my experiences so I won't go into the worst, but this screaming....blogs on the net have parents calling it a phase, no it's not!!
Parents who give their children phones, tablets and the like are clueless and shouldn't have children. The brain is a sponge at these young ages and they are hurting their children. Shut the screens off and go outside. Leave your stupid phone at home people! Nothing is more important than quality, silence from electronics time. And please read to your children!

but common sense has disappeared from our society.

Across all fields.

And please read to your children!

My daughters's favourite pastime.

I think the parents themselves have become desensitized to the exposure they have received over the years.
To be truthful, outside of my family I don't even talk about these things. I mean I did in the beginning and then came the weird looks reserved for nutjobs and the casually denigrating remarks. I didn't exactly give up but that actually made me more serious about making sure that my family got the message that I couldn't get across to the strangers.

It is funny isn't it? Talking about parenting comes with 'weird looks reserved for nutjobs and denigrating remarks'. I think that speaks volumes.

I am a trained early childhood teacher and it is sad seeing children light up whenever they see a screen. I hated seeing them all surround screens. Children dont need screens at all to learn. It makes adults into zombies so i wonder what it is doing to devloping brains?

Alot of parents need to change their mindset -a screen is just an easy babysitter!

A lot of parents need to change their mindset -a screen is just an easy babysitter!

Maybe an easy babysitter but, at what cost?

I suspect that the damage won't be really seen for a decade or two still but will speed up in its obviousness.

Yeah it must be really bad on people attention span. Im sure technology has affected my attention in the last few years with ipads/phones etc.

I also find it sad going into docters rooms and seeing parents playing on there phone while their child is there. This is a perfect oppurtunity to spend time with your child

I agree on this babysitting thing (as well as the original post); most parents use gadgets just to entertain their kids when they don't feel like it or have the energy. I actually just talked about this topic with an acquaintance so it's funny to come across this text now. We both agreed on that if you have kids, it's your responsibility to raise them and that includes also dealing with negative emotions and crankyness. It's parents job to be "the vad guy" sometimes and by that I mean they must teach their kids to deal with disappointments and not just go with the easy way when they are not in the mood of listening to whining.

@meandyou yes I see it all the time! Yeah I really dont want any gadgets around when children are around. In theory adults can manage their screen use - but children dont know how to manage it and it cant be good on their developing brains.

Sometimes being a parent means being an adult :P

It's a big responsibility to raise a child and a full-time job too in which you can't choose the easy way. I appreciate your approach.

why have children if you aren't willing to do your level best to provide them the best start you can?

Parents already have a lot of work to do on this matter, because it takes a lot to just begin to implement these values as advised in this post. But it is very vital to our future.

However people in the category of parent to be have more work to do concerning this matter. We have to take note about the way we spend our time on our phones daily. The evolution of everything around us makes it 10X harder to do without looking at our screens

Here we are scrolling feeds of useless pictures, talking about inane topics, worrying about pointless shows and movies and gossiping about the latest scandals to rock Hollywood. Here we are getting our little doses of dopamine at irrelevant achievements and training our kids to do the same

We all need discipline and moderation. We would have ourselves to blame if we are responsible for creating and raising human-bots of no commercial value

Parents already have a lot of work to do on this matter, because it takes a lot to just begin to implement these values as advised in this post.

It doesn't take as much work as parents make out.

It is getting worse. We were talking about it the other day with the art of communicating. What kind of people will be on this planet in 100 years. We wouldn't recognize it. Maybe it was the same for our grand parents and parents. I know they got lost with technology and the leaps and bounds of the 80's and 90's.Every generation is changing so much. We are taking away childhood. I remember taking my daughter to school and she was 4. I thought it was just too young. I agree your first years are important but let them enjoy them. We are creating robots and it's not healthy. I would hate to be a child now.

I would hate to be a child now.

The children don't realise and the parents have an easier path. At least early on.

From workers to consuming robots. Evolution of childhood.

I agree that these electronic devices are actually damaging to children. They reduce creativity and imagination - to say the least.

Even educational programs like "Baby Einstein," that are supposed to increase intelligence in children, actually have no effect on intelligence. Research on these programs suggest that they have no effect whatsoever on a child's intelligence in life. I think that the technology mostly just create consumers - as you suggested, and probably adds to issues like ADHD.

Environment (the type of home that a child grows up in) does play a significant role though - again as you mentioned.

Can't change IQ in the long term, can only affect it for short periods. At least currently.

Im glad you brought up the dopamine :). I have been researching in that arena. Some of said parents are actually children themselves. I feel somewhat lucky to have been 34 when my 1st child arrived. Also the massive amount of information and misinformation on nutrition sure is not helping. Thanks for the read.

Our daughter has quite severe food allergies so what she eats I call, The baby cavegirl diet' =)

Mine is on similar :)

A great man I know says , school is a practical waste of time when it comes to his view of education. He always back that up making an illustration of an accountant {fresh graduate} is to be asked how to make money he wouldn’t know but reply I’m seeking a job. He has a point and he’s right.

But what about those not in business classes, the engineers, the programmers and the scienctists including all those fields That requires practical all learn all what they can do in the school.

I have always been against parents exposing their kid to gadget and other technology instrument but my neighbor keep saying it because I can't afford that why am against.

It is hard to read your post and know that it is so true, that our society is in an abyss and little hope.

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