Steemtopia #5: Relationship Between Body and Soul

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

How do you Steemit members view the relationship between body and soul?
(And fell free to say you see them as one in the same.)

First let me start by saying that to me this is a topic that I can not know for sure, but I have my best ideas.

I perceived a split between the physical body and soul pretty early on due to being born male yet feeling female on the inside, which at least made think on this topic. I like to see the soul as the permanent part of each of us, that blends back with the rest of (the ocean like) universe. Once that drop falls in, it blends with the whole, and while drop molecules are still there, they can't be reclaimed to make the drop again. This makes me view reincarnation while conceptually possible, not as a 1 to 1 relationship, but rather a scooping of many little 'drop parts' to make a new drop.

I still remember the Minbari explanation from the show Babylon 5, basically saying that the soul is a projection through our bodies:

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

If you like these sort of discussions check out my other posts or follow me at @sykochica


I have studied and experience spirituality for quite some time now. I think I have learned the most from my lucid dreaming experiences. If we are to accept the basic laws of the universe and physics, we would learn the dreams actually hold weight in our lives. I believe that our soul is capable of living in different dimensions, while our physical body is not. This is why so many people report experiencing near death or astral experiences.

Dreaming is definitely something I've thought about in reference to this topic. I agree with your line of thinking that subconscious/dream state does has sensitivity to other things like higher dimensions.

I forget where I heard this paraphrased quote:
"It's not a matter of what is real or unreal, but rather what you are sensitive or tuned in to."

I'm a fan of viewing our subconscious/soul/dream state all being interconnected through quantum entanglement or collective sub(consciousness.)

"You aren't a human having a spiritual experience, you are a spirit having a human experience."

I don't remember the exact quote or who said it, but I like it.

I can feel my soul and my body as being very distinct. I tell my little kids, "Your body is telling you that you need to go potty!" - - as if it's a separate thing doing the talking. And our bodies do talk to us, if we'll listen.

It is mostly bacteria and flesh (which cycles out continuously.) You do not have the same body you did a year ago, yet your soul is intact . Weird, huh? What part of you keeps your memories, your talents, who you are?

I think of the relationship very much like a symbiosis. Our bodies evolved over millions of years, our souls came from Heaven. Our bodies take care of linking us to this mortal world. They process food, keep the heart pumping. They take care of our primal needs, like creating the next generation, and exhibit more primal behaviors, like anger.

It is when our spirits, or souls, can learn to control our bodies that we can really be happy. It's when our bodies are in control that we bring ourselves misery.

I remind my kids when they are making poor choices, "Who is in control, you or your body?" You might ask yourself the same thing when a decision is to be made.

@casandrarose the quote is from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
But I think I was the one the told it to you first, about 5 years ago. It's one of my goto's for sure.

If you haven't looked into Out of Body Experiences, you might want to check out some resources on the subject.

"Journeys Out of the Body"

"Projection of the Astral Body" by Sylvan Muldoon

"Astral Dynamics" by Robert Bruce

"Advanced Lucid Dreaming, The Power of Supplements" by Thomas Yuschak

I've read some stuff in the past, admittedly it's been a while so I can't think of specifics sources off the top of head. I spent more of my time practicing/experiencing some transcendental meditation methods for a long time. I tend to flow back and forth between my own experiences/methods and then try others to see what works for me. So I'm always open to new ideas.

I'll check these out. Thanks for the links!
Care to give your take on the Body/Soul? While I get reading? :)

(your steemit meetup posts were awesome btw!)

Had quite a few out-of-body experiences in my life, did a lot of work regarding that field, am working as a hypnotist and in other areas for 9years now researching such phenomena and had a shitload of other strange experiences. So, well... A bit hard to explain in a few words.

Oh I can understand. It's not really something that can be fully understood with language, it's an all encompassing experience.

I don't think there is a soul-- or as Winston pointed out that great Watt's quote, that we are just a soul.
I like Ken Wilber's Eternal Witness idea.
Our consciousness and identity is constructed through narrative, perhaps the soul is the story that narrative weaves. Who is listening though?

I kinda see it the other way around (again, just my take) in that the ego/consciousness/self-identity are the narrated story and the soul being the thing that started and keeps the story going.

While I'm open to the possibility of there being no soul, I find the discussions to end quickly. To me it's sort of like describing a pitch black room.

I love these ideas though, makes me think on sides of the topic I might not otherwise.

My answer varies depending on the day you ask.
Today though, I'm feeling incredibly reductionary. The consciousness is self-organizing and arises from the meatsuit and the interactions of neurons. When you die, it stops. We can sugar coat it make ourselves feel better about being finite, fragile, beings but I think it is in our detriment.
I think the addition of made up parts (the soul) actually detracts from how freaking amazing what's actually going on is... that our ancestors survived and evolved and along the way acquired the ability to formulate abstract thought and perceive themselves.

I can understand perspectives varying, honestly it paints a more inclusive picture on a topic.

While I can see survival behaviors being based out of biology, I have a harder time explaining evolutionary wise how people spend their free time (non-survival based) including things like creativity in music/art/poetry/etc, scientific/mechanical inspiration, Play/Flow (state of optimal experience), or others that biology doesn't seem to be as big of a factor. We still can feel restless when our creativity is stifled, yet it is irrelevant to our physical body. (I'm just thinking outloud here, feel free to disagree.)

I don't disagree, but I don't have a hard time explaining them. It's like a big cloth, black on one side, white on the other. Death on one said, Sex on the other. The two primal motivators for biological lifeforms. More complex forms as we begin folding the cloth back and forth. Add in social dynamics and the folds become more intricate. Feedback loops arise. Yes, it's magnificent. Yes, it seems otherworldly, but it really isn't.
We don't need metaphysics. This reductionary thinking, or as I prefer to think of it 'systems thinking', shouldn't rob the world and humanity of its splendor. It merely presents it in the light of Reason.

I love that Babylon 5 clip.. pretty much hits the proverbial nail on the head .. for me

:) It's hard to top the wording they have

"You don't have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body."
~Alan Watts

As usual Mr Watts is spot on!

I'm curious what you all from previous discussions might think. :)
@hr1 @void @mor @opheliafu @bleepcoin @dr2073 @quantumanomaly @kooshikoo @thecryptofiend @lukestokes

My body is a vessel for my soul. My body will return to dirt, and that's ok.

I like that!
This makes the phrase "We are all star stuff" trigger in my head.
Making me think, jeez! jk

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