Why You Should Expand Your Perspective

in #philosophy8 years ago

“Don’t be a frog in the well”. That is how the saying goes. It means that one shouldn’t be a narrow minded person who simply refuses to see the bigger picture or the alternative truth just because it doesn’t match his beliefs.

The reason I’m writing this post is because for the past couple of weeks I have been meeting with a lot of people, both online and offline. And it amazes me at how common it is that people tend to stick to their own views without so much as a consideration for other people’s opinions. I was not expecting it to be this common to be completely honest and it left me taken aback with an urge to get this message out there.

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I believe that this world is like a poem. A poem can be interpreted in many ways by different readers. Similarly, each of us interprets the world differently. That is why we all have our own “world views”. And it is very important that it is this way. Imagine everyone having the same ideas. The world would be so boring and I wonder if we would be this advanced if that was the case.

So it’s nice to have your own personal set of opinions. So, where’s the problem? The problem occurs when people are not open to new ideas and differing opinions. For any productive discussion to take place between two people, they need to have open minds who are ready to accept the other person’s view without dismissing it as an unintelligible babble.

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It is vital that we expand our perspectives. The world is full of ideas that can be explored further by having a wider perspective. And there are never enough ideas. One can’t tell which idea could go on to change the human race for the better. 

So, if, instead of proving to one another that our ideas are better and the other one’s are squat, we could all hone a wider view points, and use all the brain power we have, we could come up with the most innovative and game changing ideas.

Advantages of expanding your perspective:

1. Greater Innovation

Where there are healthy discussions among people and different views are respected and weighed on a value basis, there is sure to be greater innovation. In such cases there is a synergy where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

2. Increased Understanding

When you widen your perspective and start looking at things by stepping into the shoes of other people, you start to understand why they do what they do. Everyone has their own reasons to do what they do and how they live life. So changing how you think can vastly increase your understanding of people.

3. Better Leadership

As a leader, you are supposed to understand your employees. You need to understand their goals, dreams, aspirations, what motivates them, what demotivates them and a whole lot more. For that you need to see the world from their eyes. Only then can you build an environment where different people with different sets of characteristics can work together for the betterment of the organisation. And that makes you a good leader.

4. Better Relationships

When you are the type of person who knows and understands people and are easily able to share their world view if need be, you are going to have great relationships with everyone. Well, not everyone but almost everyone! People will respect you for being understanding and would seek you for help. In the process you’ll end up making some very good friends.

5. Increased Tolerance

Our world consists of so many people who are different from one another in every which way. There are so many religions, cultures, ethnicities and nationalities. What we do have in common is that we share the same world. 

And it is very important, as a human, to respect each others’ way of life and actually celebrate our differences. A wider perspective allows you to see that there is no one way to live a fulfilling life. And this will lead to an increased tolerance which is healthy for everybody.

Don't forget to follow me @sauravrungta. I post everyday :)


Don't judge a person by it's clothes. If we stop judging others maybe we can find ourself somewhat closer to one another's view point. Good post.

very well said!!
thanks for reading :)

This reminds me of a joke. A muslim, a jew, a christian walk into a bar. End of joke. XD

And I (@ace108) say just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean it's right and just because nobody is doing it doesn't mean it's wrong. :-)

I am taking that 6 or 9 image for my class! Great for teaching point of view.

yeah, it is really insightful!
thanks for reading :)

I believe that this world is like a poem

I agree on that. :)

This was a good read. I loved the comparison of life with understanding the poetry. People find it hard to understand each other, they think their normality is assigned to everybody else.
Accepting that not all of us think alike, is a step towards wisdom, but one that comes with many other benefits.

very well said! i totally agree :)
Thanks for reading :)

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hi @sauravrungta I just dropped back to let you know that you are among my favourite reads today. You can find my post that mentions you here

really??....that means a lot!!
Thank you so much :) I hope you keep reading my future posts too :)

Really great post @sauravrungta I absolutely agree that people seem entrenched in their own views unable to see things from another perspective, if we could find a way to convince people of the value of sharing ideas the possibilities would be endless.

I feel as though I have always been fairly good with being able to accept others views and beliefs, because in the end how does it really effect me?

The same thing goes for gay marriage how does something others do affect you in any way whatsoever!

I hope that the world can change and adapt, especially here in Australia with so much racism and fear mongering going on at the moment - people seem to have lost the ability for empathy altogether.

really appreciate the wise words @krystle! thanks for stopping by and reading the post :)

imagine if we fought as hard to understand each other as we do to disagree... nice post! followed!

Thanks for reading :)

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