You and Your Identity


I will give you my theory about identity and how it is entangled with everyone else's identity, and the basic relationship between humans and nature. It also explains how property, as an abstract concept, exists and is reflected to the real world.

I am a capitalist, because after a lot of time spent on thinking and analyzing the world, I have realized the private property is a naturally emerging phenomena, not just an abstract philosophical concept, and it ties directly into the physical world, and it originates from your identity.

There are more layers of identity for a human being, and each one is more abstract, but each one is stacked on one another, and it originates and links from the same core essence of your being. Some people call it the "soul" or "consciousness", whatever you want to call it, it's your core essence, and this is where everything you create in your lifetime originates.

Your identity is like a pyramid, with your core essence on the top, and everything else originates from there, each layer more away from you, but still linked to you. And the outer layers are where your identity is linked to others, in what is called society, or the wider nature. Let me illustrate:


1) You

It is your core essence, what makes you you. Some people call it the soul, the spirit, consciousness, whatever name you give to it, it's your essence of being.

2) Your Mind

It's your immediate property, your mind is the filter through which you experience the outer world, through the 5 senses, but also a place where you can think and make up ideas, that will have impact on the outside world.

3) Your Body

It's your physical body, that contains all your vital organs, your brain and the physical mechanism that connects your mind with the world.

4) IP

I don't refer here to the legal sense of IP, stuff like copyright and patents and trademarks. What I refer to here as IP, is the direct property that you hold in your mind. Things that you can memorize and it can have real value in the real world. Things like Bitcoin private keys, Steemit keys, Passwords, Secrets, etc...

5) Physical Property

Things that you have acquire through the use of of the other layers. For example using your body + your mind in order to make money in order to buy a house. It all essentially originated as an idea in your mind, then you did the necessary things to obtain the money, like working, and then you bought the house. The house is your property since it all originated from your inner layers and you did the things necessary in order to obtain it, so it is legitimate property.

6) Relationships

Although you cannot claim property over your relationships, after all they are not your slaves. However it is still linked to your identity, in the sense that you probably had to use all other layers in order to obtain this. You cannot have a baby without a shelter + food + other income. You cannot have a friend without having common interests and using your mind or your body to relate to eachother. All your relationships are essentially tied to your identity.

7) Other People

It's either the strangers you have never met, or the people you have no direct ties too. However you are still interacting with them indirectly through society. You may not know every single person on Earth, but you still interact with all of them through some way, shape or form. Be that the internet, the political system, global affairs, economics, commerce etc.

The point that I am making here is that essentially:


It may be looser and looser as you go down in layers, but the natural organization of the Universe is based on property and relationships. A layer that is closer to you is a stronger property of you, and a layer that is farther is a loose property, probably just an interaction.

So physical property is a part of your identity either way you put it. So when you see people demanding wealth redistribution and taxation next time, keep in mind that they are identity thieves, literally, and they want to steal your essence of being!

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Identity is who you are not what you own. Who you are is immaterial and it's not something you can own. We are spiritual beings and God owns our essence not other humans. Can you help me to understand how wealth redistribution would be stealing your identity?

I don't agree, but even if I would God has given free will to people in your belief right?

So that means that you are in control of your destiny, and both the rewards and the consequences of your actions should be yours. Why distribute your reward to others, and why put your burden on others?

If every person can fulfill his excellence, that will be the day humans will live in utopia.

True one day there will be a utopia. We are stewards and managers of everything in our possession not owners. As a manager of possessions that means that I have a God given responsibility to be wise in how I take care of things in my possession. We should have the attitude to give in general and especially to those in need even if that means letting go of some of my money or things in order to help them. I'm not necessarily saying that there should be a policy in place for redistribution to be mandatory but giving as much as we can should be the attitude we should have. All the stuff we have will one day be gone forever. We will be held accountable for what we did with the things in our possession as well as the things we have control of including our life.

I am not religious, but I respect your beliefs. I just view the world practically, I like to make things efficient, because efficiency can safe a lot of human work and time, which are unfortunately limited. Why waste time in a factory working for 1$, then robots can already do that soon. It is just way more efficient to let things for the market to sort out. Because the government only interferes with things that should be let do develop naturally, as we probably agree.

The new economy will all be online, there will be no place in manufactorin for humans ,because its not good for them nor the economy. Then we can find pretty easy solutions how to give everyone an income.

It has to be voluntary though, and cryptocurrencies will play a big part in it, and so could this website. But we still need to respect private property because that is the fundamental principle upon an efficient economy can be built.

Charity and teaching people will be easier than ever, people will help eachother voluntarly.

Profitgenerator, I'm totally with you up to #4. However, I believe numbers 5, 6 and 7 are more closely tied to 1, 2, 3 and 4 as to in which order they are of importance.
Humanearl, I don't believe even God owns our essence, at least not mine. I still have freedom of choice.

I do understand how one would feel a socialist type community would be an infringement upon personal identity, if one were a capitalist, as your claim, profitgenerator. However, I also understand how a truly UNADULTERATED socialist (or pure communist) society can be profitable and beneficial to all; which is what, I believe, God preaches. Am I right humanearl?

Ah! But finding the right combination...mmm...that does seem the itch, does it not?
Capitalism - survival of the fittest (nature's way)
Socialism/Communism - everyone who can support everyone else (God's way)

Maybe the right way is none of the above. Maybe the right way is to have all the above. Maybe the right way is a harmonious combination of the above.(Remember, I'm referring to the pure, unadulterated version of all of these, not corrupted versions - do your research.)
We ARE human. We are prone to adulterations. Perhaps no one system is 'one-size-fits-all.' We ARE prone to adulterations. We ARE prone to adulterations.
I think the trick is to find a NEW solution - NEW SOLUTION - which allows for these adulterations without adulterating the solution...Oh, Hey!...
I laughed at this - for a few seconds, but - - - HMMM - - - maybe someday... I can hope...

The one system in that I believe is: NO ONE is oppressed, abused or enslaved. I believe in a system in which each person can reach his or her potential regardless of status, caste, gender, sexual or religious preference, race, skin color, national or biological origin.
I wish a system was in place which was based upon a person's integrity, intentions and ability. In a world (not long ago on earth - less than 200 years ago) a system like this worked: it was called a person's "word."
Someone's word was as good as gold then; a handshake sealed a deal. People 'kept' their "word. "
Few people nowadays even know what "integrity" means.
I've also seen atheists have as more compassion and integrity than (publicly) "God-fearing" men.
< Seriously, I like this 'blockchain government' thing. Honestly, and I MEAN HONESTLY, I only thought about it when I wrote this. But, think about it: a truly transparent, honest - chuckle - government! Would that not be awesome!>

Maybe the right way is a harmonious combination of the above.

Harmony can only be achieve it different ideas are allowed to compete. And for that we first need to secure the freedom of speech right, that is constantly being taken away by different institutions.

I don't know if capitalism is wrong or evil in it of itself. We should look after other people regardless whether we are capitalist or socialist. Capitalism can have and has had damaging effects on society and nature all over the world. Competition comes from a scarcity mentality rather than a mentality of abundance. If I have have an abundance mentality then I feel there is enough for everyone to benefit which means what need do I have to compete for someone else's resources or piece of the pie.

Interesting approach to the concept of property and identity. I agree with your idea that identity is entangled with many entities outside of your core self, however I am not certain about property being a necessary part of identity.

It does seem that the ego generates feelings of possessiveness that become part of one's identity, but it also seems that there are many creatures in the world that exist and have identity without property as we normally think of it. Unless you are suggesting something like a deer possesses a territory or the patch of grass it is eating.

btw - I selected your piece for today's #philosophy-review. keep up the great posts!

It is, property is not just a phyisical concept but also a relationship.

The same way that all your actions and consequences of your actions are your property, the same way all the results of your actions should be your property.

The same way that people who assault other people will face negative consequences for their actions.

The same way that people who worked hard for their money, should keep their money and not get taxed.

It's the same philosophy and it's true for both bad and good things. Identity and property is in-separable.

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