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RE: You and Your Identity

in #philosophy8 years ago

Identity is who you are not what you own. Who you are is immaterial and it's not something you can own. We are spiritual beings and God owns our essence not other humans. Can you help me to understand how wealth redistribution would be stealing your identity?


I don't agree, but even if I would God has given free will to people in your belief right?

So that means that you are in control of your destiny, and both the rewards and the consequences of your actions should be yours. Why distribute your reward to others, and why put your burden on others?

If every person can fulfill his excellence, that will be the day humans will live in utopia.

True one day there will be a utopia. We are stewards and managers of everything in our possession not owners. As a manager of possessions that means that I have a God given responsibility to be wise in how I take care of things in my possession. We should have the attitude to give in general and especially to those in need even if that means letting go of some of my money or things in order to help them. I'm not necessarily saying that there should be a policy in place for redistribution to be mandatory but giving as much as we can should be the attitude we should have. All the stuff we have will one day be gone forever. We will be held accountable for what we did with the things in our possession as well as the things we have control of including our life.

I am not religious, but I respect your beliefs. I just view the world practically, I like to make things efficient, because efficiency can safe a lot of human work and time, which are unfortunately limited. Why waste time in a factory working for 1$, then robots can already do that soon. It is just way more efficient to let things for the market to sort out. Because the government only interferes with things that should be let do develop naturally, as we probably agree.

The new economy will all be online, there will be no place in manufactorin for humans ,because its not good for them nor the economy. Then we can find pretty easy solutions how to give everyone an income.

It has to be voluntary though, and cryptocurrencies will play a big part in it, and so could this website. But we still need to respect private property because that is the fundamental principle upon an efficient economy can be built.

Charity and teaching people will be easier than ever, people will help eachother voluntarly.

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