Perspective - How to stay positive

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

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"One man's trash is another man's treasure." - We all know this saying, but do we really?

Hello, my fellow Steemers. I recently read somewhere about how a lot of people say "be positive" and that that is not enough because it's deeper than that. The truth is, it is, and I will try to show you how to use perspective to stay positive.

What is perspective?

For those of you who don't know the definition:

Perspective is a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view.

Power of the perspective

You and I went on a vacation in the seaside, doesn't matter where.
We have the same name, age, looks.
We drink the same drinks, eat the same meals, sleep in the same bed.
We walk the same streets, swim in the same place, and sing the same song.
We would sleep with the same partner, and dress exactly the same.

After all of this comes our mutual friend and asks: How was the vacation?

If you think we would say the same answer, you are very wrong.
After all the things we did basically like Siamese twins, we would have 2 very different versions of our vacation.

Maybe you would say that water was too cold and the food was shit.

Maybe I would say that I didn't even pay attention to the temperature of the water because I was just enjoying the feeling of it on my body. And that food, at least I had a full belly.
Hopefully, you get the point - perspective is very powerful.

How to use perspective to stay positive


Now imagine you had a vacation to go to and suddenly you broke your legs. That would be a bad thing... or would it?

Of course, anyone would be pissed and think: "Why did this have to happen now? I could've been enjoying myself on the vacation right now. I could've drunk cocktails out of coconuts and relax on the beach."

I ask you: What if those broken legs were a good thing?

Let's see that situation from a different perspective.

You hop on the airplane waiting to land to grab that coconut cocktail, and the plane crashes.
Let's suppose it didn't crash and you come on the vacation, go for a swim and get eaten by a shark.

If someone told you that's what was going to happen - Are your broken legs a bad thing now?

We can't see the future. But we can think about how the bad thing that happened to us, could've actually been the best thing that happened to us. And little by little, change our perspective and how we react to things - hopefully being more positive

Stay positive, driven and keep spreading those good vibes! 💚 Love from positivity420


Great text, and it's totally is about the mindset! Also, it is about being grateful and live in the moment :)

All about the mindset bro, change the mindset - change your life :) Thank you for reading.

Odlicna tema, super poenta i bas ono sto ocekujem od pozitivitija :D

Hvala, ocekuj neocekivano hahah

Wow...odlican post. I ja se dosta cesto znam zateci kako mislim da mi je tesko u zivotu i da mi se nesto u tom trenutku bas ne da... i onda primjetim ljude koji nemaju mogucnosti kakve ja imam (npr. invalidi). Na njihovim licima vidim srecu i zadovoljstvo u svemu sto rade... a ja se zalim jer mi je bus zakasnio ili sam dobio losu ocjenu u skoli. Nevjerojatno je koliko smo nesvjesni svoje srece.

A sve je u perspektivi...

Zato i je toliko mocna :) Svaka cast kaj znas kako promjeniti sistem da ne misli negativno ;)

Good start with a quote. I love quotes, it always pushes you to think beyond...
So I'm gonna add one for you:

We Can Complain Because Rose Bushes Have Thorns, or Rejoice Because Thorn Bushes Have Roses

I think Abraham Lincoln said, but don't take my word for it... Anyway, a powerful quote when you come to think about it!

Keep spreading true words brah! :D

Wow, what a powerful quote, it really sums up my post. LOL.

Always bro! If you don't keep summing them up xD Jokes aside, thank you for that quote it really is a good one to remember.

Yeah, when I heard it I just take a good time to think about it 'cause it's really powerful... Next time you see a rose bush, believe me, you'll remember a quote :D

I will see a thorn bush! But with roses :) <3

"Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.” Eckhart Tolle
Ovo je drugi autor kojeg ti preporučujem... :)

I have to get a library card :) Definitely gonna check it out. Thank you :) Hvala ti, ako imas jos kakvih kvalitetnih knjiga samo pucaj

Law attraction, did you hear about it?

What you vibe is what you attract? A.k.a. we all have energy and what we share is what we get, is that what you mean?

Jesi čuo stvar od Sarsa "Perspektiva"? :)

Great post positive dude, it has a simple and powerful example that I think most readers will understand. Our perspective has everything to do with everything and a positive approach changes things.

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Wayne Dyer

Naravno Sars kida :)

Thank you. I tried to deliver it the best I could, but my dictionary isn't great and I don't know how to express myself really good, but hopefully, everyone understood the point. :)
Definitely, the power it has is unbelievable. Totally agree :)

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