Part 2: Abstractions In A World Of Distractions: The Universal Mind & The Complexification Of Infinity

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)


An Infinity Of Abstractions

It was whilst writing a previous post that I remembered some of my previous musings relating to similarities between the human cortex and the universal mind. Add some ancient perspectives on this concept, sprinkle in some aspects of Ralph Abrahams complexity theory, add some Terence Mckenna novelty theory and stir with my own original thoughts and expansions then stand back and wallah we have my latest abstractions post! In this series I throw my ideological, conspiratorial and theological concerns out the window, kick around a few ideas and allow my mind to explore infinite possibility. Equally it's an abstraction so just because I write it doesn't mean I believe every word. It has some truths interwoven with some out there ideas, so most importantly don't take it too seriously! It's an imagination excercise, literal psychedelia to nourish the minds of those numbed by the nonsensical nature of newspeak.

This abstractions series wil range from the profound to the absurd, although depending upon your perception the two become interchangeable. Indeed the perceptions you start reading with might not be the ones you end with. You ready? Well strap yourselves in because we’re taking a journey into infinity .. and beyond? Curse you Buzz Lightyear!!.

The Macro & The Micro

When observing the universe we have a tendency to place a focus upon the immediate vicinity, the micro workings of this macro cosmos of creation and wonder. But are we missing a bigger picture? Is this approach akin to not seeing the wood for the trees? Indeed when thinking about the concept of a universal mind this cosmological brain only begins to reveal itself when we take a big step back and observe it in full context. Once viewed in this context we can begin to glimpse at the similarities between the cosmos and the human cortex.


The All Is In The Mind & The Mind Is In The All

Are our brains quite literally an inner universe? a micro representation of a macro cosmological mind. Our bodies as cells and our minds as braincells within the one mind. Individual expressions of a unified quantum consciousness that’s observing it’s own creation. Dreams in the mind of God.

When looking into the cosmological aspects of the ancient esoteric and Hermetic universe perceptions this is a concept that arises frequently. Within these traditions it’s often stated that “The all is mind” or that if “we are one then one is we”. Indeed when pondering these statements it’s easy to understand how they believed the universe to be a mental projection. The sum of all human knowledge feeding into and drawing from an infinite cosmological mind.


Sub-Atomic Intelligence

When we fast forward to a scientific perspective it’s interesting how many people are beginning to openly discuss the concept of some kind unified consciousness. It’s also interesting to note that in 1957 the Nobel Prize was handed to the physicists Chen Ning Yang & Tsung Dao Lee for their work in highlighting the intelligence of sub-atomic particles. Indeed the level of mathematical laws governing the world of the humble atom is beyond breathtaking. The ways in which these sub-atomic particles interact and communicate is incredibly complicated. For me this opens up an arena of thought relating to the universe as some form of complexity driving force, but more on that later.


Galaxies As Neurons

But back to the human neo cortex, perhaps the pinnacle of cosmological creation. The brain comprises of roughly 100 trillion connections interspersed by 100 billion neurons. In the context of these observations the neurons aspect is profoundly interesting. It’s interesting because the number of galaxies in the known universe is calculated to be .. yes you’ve guessed it 100 billion!!

In my moments of reflection I sometimes wonder if our knowledge and intellectual exploration/understanding of the universe is somehow linked to the expansion of neural pathways & consciousness?

But where was I? Oh yes, galaxies often group together into vastly complex superstructures (clusters/superclusters). In the essence of this post we can think of these superstructures as brain neurons. On the periphery of these galaxies gravity forces and accelerates matter to speeds beyond human comprehension. A universe of Rippling, resonating electrical shockwaves carrying information/matter throughout the cosmos on a waxing and waning tidal wave of energy. From a rudimentary perspective is this process really that different from the workings of the human mind? Information flowing from one neuron/galaxy across the brains synapses, a resonating pulse of information that feeds the collective, the whole.


Cortextual Symbiosis

Obviously when discussing these connections we’re talking about vastly different scales. But in many ways the complexities of our micro inner universes bear many similarities with the macro cosmological brain of the cosmos.

As the fabric of the space time continuum expands and gravity pulls waxes and wanes. As dark matter forms filaments and the intersections form clusters of galaxies the brain like structure of the universe begins to take shape. The morphology and symbiosis of the human cortex displays to me that our brains are linked to the universe in some form of beautifully resonating symbiotic evolution.

Running Away Or Running Towards

I’ve also been thinking about the aforementioned complexity and novelty theories and now I’d like to expand upon them. Highlighting a perception where the complexification process follows multiple pathways that lead to the same endpoint.

I’ve come to think of the universe as some kind organically evolving complexification machine. Equally if we’re held within such an evolutionary process it would suggest that at odds with the scientific explanation we're in effect racing towards something as opposed to racing away from it, but what are we racing towards? If the cosmos is exponentially complexifying novelty and complexity, then the human neo cortex could be viewed as a prime example of this process. A whole new era of complexity, the power of the mind as a foundation for creating new universes, new evolutionary processes and new singularities.


Multiple Evolutions Of Mind

So let’s take a look at a few of the multiple paths of complexifying evolution that could stem (pun intended) from our own brains. Through various posts I’ve displayed my belief that technology is morphing into a synthetic manifestation of reality and spirituality. I’ve already written about the prospect that our brains are somehow an inner universe but lets look into it a little deeper.


The Evolution Of Story

Since the days of the campfire our storytelling ability has been involved in some form of evolutionary process. I’ve come to believe that our stories were in effect the very first faltering steps towards building our own universe. Indeed do our minds and the synchronisation of our dreams and imagination contain the building blocks to create entire living, breathing universes? An entire cosmos built in the micro and expressed in the macro.

Equally could they be built and continue to exist in the micro? i.e a living breathing universe that exists within our own minds and imagination. Is our very act of creation not only an expression of our humanity but equally does it speak to the validity of a creator, a God. Are we (much like a child copying his Dad shaving) somehow trying to mimic the process that created us?

But back to the concept of humanity creating an external universe. I don’t feel it too radial to suggest that the externalisation of our internal imaginations seem to be leading us towards creating said universe. Imagination and technology held in unison will (I believe) lead us to create a living, breathing and evolving universe, perhaps multiple universes. A cosmos that gives rise to intelligent lifeforms, a universe that would have no idea that it actually lives inside the virtual realm. This universe would evolve to a point where the intelligent life would seek to somehow mimic it’s own creation and thus design it’s own synthetic universe and this process could (in theory) continue for infinity. And so now running alongside our carbon based evolution we have another strand of potentially infinite complexification taking place.


Artificial Intelligence Complexity

So lets take another look at a separate strand of evolution that again is not born of the cosmos but has it’s foundations in the human mind, artificial intelligence. Now anyone that’s read my previous work knows my thoughts on this, but today is not that discussion. Today A.I is going to represent another fractal of eternal intelligent evolution. Indeed if the universe is a complexification driving force the first thought in the mind of A.I will be to better itself. To create an intelligence or a lifeform that exceeds it’s own capabilities. And so once again this process could continue for infinity, well at least our narrow perception of what infinity actually means.

The Complexification Of Energy & Dark Matter

So running alongside the human centric complexifications we also have (I believe) energetic complexity. This relates to the compression of energy to such a point of singularity and mathematical multiplicity that it births some form of energetic, spiritual intelligence. A multifaceted spiritual duality that then embarks upon it’s own energetic complexification process. Running alongside this I have previously written about how dark matter and plasma also hold the building blocks for entirely new forms of life. I have also shown how these lifeforms could be held within an evolutionary process that accelerates at an exponential rate. So now we have dark matter, plasma and energetic complexity to throw into the mix.


The Complexity Of Technology

Now I have written about this previously but in the context of this conversation it seems apt to add the following paragraph.

So the year is 2300 and what was achieved by a quantum super computer in 2017 can now be squeezed into a processor the size of a speck of dust. We have now reached the age of post technological singularity and are beginning an era known as STEM, the compression of space, time, energy and matter. Everything is compressed and miniaturised, more inter-connection, more compression, less energy use, less matter. Exponential increases in intelligence, we have reached a point of such compression and multi dimensional singularity that the space time continuum inverts and creates a man made black hole that literally sucks us in and then catapults us out of the solar system and into an alternate reality.


The Evolution Of The Universe

So now I have given a few brief examples relating to the increasing complexity of the universe. But if the universe follows these rules can it become too complex? And if so is this some form of singularity?

When discussing the micro connection to the macro we could begin to think of our bodies as bubbles in an infinite sea. When the bubbles burst our consciousness is released and we once again become one with this eternal sea, our heaven. But lets zoom out a few quadrillion miles or so and looks at things from a different scale. In this perception the complexity driving universe is also a bubble, a bubble that floats within the multiverse.


The Multiplicity Of The Multiverse

Starting off very slowly and much like our very own understanding of Moore’s law the universe has begun to complexify. First by the billions of years, then by the millions, thousands, hours, minutes until we reach a point where complexity becomes so compressed that more change takes place in one second than has occurred in the billion years the preceded it. At this point the singularity has been reached, the bubble inverts/bursts and we are released into the multiverse, the universe has evolved and taken us all with it. As a unified collective we are ready for the next stage of our ascension.


From photons to electrons, atoms & cells, matter to life, life to intelligence, mind within mind and then multiple evolutionary paths to a universal evolution. If the cosmos is a series of dolls within dolls within dolls, then what is the multiverse evolving into? Well my friends, that’s an abstraction for another day!

Until then I will leave you to ponder who has the perceptualflaws. Thank you for reading.




Written by perceptualflaws
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Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth

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As a child I was given the 'Atlas of the Universe' and I remember wondering whether our universe was contained in the dirt under someone's fingernails or in the handle of a kettle. The concept of every human brain that has ever and will ever exist being a universe not just similar but the same as what we see when we look through a telescope is an interesting one when you consider the collective conciousness theory.

Could the 'God' that people claim to have had contact with through prayer be the brain of a being we are immersed in and interpret as a universe?

I will state at this juncture that I'm really stoned right now!

If so then are we not each akin to our perceptions of God walking around with our own universe inside our heads?

Man! This weed is trippy!!

It's said our Universe is many billions of years old which is a long time for anyone to live however our perception of time is irrelevant when you consider the mayfly. Living for only one day may sound a very short time to us however to the mayfly it's a lifetime.
With that being said its makes sense to me as I sit here wasted that the universe could be a living brain, ultimately living for eternity when compared to our timespan of conciousness.
Am I making sense? I'm pretty sure I'm rambling! We'll have to pick this up in Discord another night.
I'm sure if there are any other stoners reading this right now they're agreeing with me or pissing themselves laughing!
Mind blowing post dude.

Haha Thanks for the excellent comment my friend. looks like you were having a fun night ;) But yes I can really see where you're going with this! I remember having similar thoughts as a child, in fact when I used to think about a multiverse and I used to imagine it as bubbles in Gods bath :D .. Indeed if we're living inside a brain, then perhaps our brains are brain cells! each one independent but feeding back information to the collective!

The concept of time is a fascinating one for it's all relative to your perception of that moment in time. Like your excellent mayfly analogy, indeed within the life of said fly a second could be a minute and an hour a day. One of the key components within altered states of consciouness (be they sensory deprivation, psychedelics. meditation, repetition) is that people experience anomalies with their perception of time. Again a minute may feel like hours or aternatively hours may feel like minutes, this is fascinating because it hints at the potential of time perception being nearly as important as time itself. Equally it's my belief that in stepping out of synch with the earthly cycles (higher time) our perception of time has been distorted and so we have disconnected ourselves from the natural cycle of time and enslaved ourselves to the clock. I mean how many times do we hear the words "there isn't enough hours in the day" well in many ways our technology and the fast pace of life has further exasperated our time perception. Too busy to sit down for those moments of contemplation, too absorbed in TV to think. Society has changed and continues to alter time perception, I mean a tribe living in the Amazon has the same 24 hours to play with but I bet there perception of those hours is vastly different to ours. Now I'm unsure if I'making sense and I haven't even smoked! lol Thanks for the epic comment dude, as always your words and support are very much appreciated!!

Phew! What a relief. I'm not insane!
I knew you'd be able to work with my thoughts dude 😜

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This post has received gratitude of 1.00 % from @jout

Thank you @jout I really appreciate that.

You got a 0.08% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @jout!

Wow this is just mind blowing stuff. Great great post.

I would love to one day use something like this. I want to open a philosophical practice where you teach people how to structure there mind (in a non-dogmatic way, every person is different). Something like this, your post, would be awesome to use at an early stage to "clear out" the old and make space for the new.

Once again, great post! Keep it up, following you from now to see the new posts :D

Hey @ fermentedphil Thank you for the great comment my friend, I really appreciate it and equally I'm very happy you enjoyed the post! I often find that in times of stress by allowing my mind to run free it helps to put other things into perspective, suddenly the relative trivialities we all worry about from time to time dissapear into insignificance.

To free yourself from said trivialities and follow the thought processes of the moment can be like a shower for the mind ;) Thanks again my friend!

Your reply is wonderfully worded! Thank you for taking the time to answer my comment. I am waiting for new posts in this line of writing :D Keep it up! Looking forward to reading more of this and getting a shower for my thoughts :D Greetings from South Africa!

Particle- wave duality, fractals, quantum, dark matter, dark energy ... many things to be understood.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, I really appreciate it. Yes there is a multiplicity thought processes to explore and indeed every answer begs another ten questions. Thanks again @emily61

I have many questions. I am a physicist but I am beginning to study Buddhist concepts. I learned to read the chakras and I am in the search to understand why the patterns that are measured with a pendulum are exactly the same as those of two simple harmonics perpendicular

Hey @emily61 sorry but I must have missed your reply. I will not profess to know the answer to that specific question, but the nature of frequency and resonance are interesting subjects ;) .. I will also say that when your eyes begin to open it's the journey that you take to find your answers that is the important thing. Telling is the shortcut to learning and learning the shortcut to knowing. You may be interested in a post I wrote a little while back:

Thanks a lot.

Very philosophical! Yeah, one thing is denied of the gods, the ability to search for infinity.. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you my friend, I'm really glad you enjoyed the post .. and yes I've often wondered whether certain thought processes were denied not by God but by men seeking to control humanity. Ensuring we remain disconnected from spirit and our understanding of spirit. Thanks again.

Interesting subject @perceptualflaws . Made my weekend reading program ! I had read earlier Alan Moore on this. I thank a lot to share the topic !

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my post, it's much appreciated!! I'm also really glad you enjoyed it. Someone else commented on Alan Moore so I will be sure to look into his work! Thanks again @biomanu

Amazing article. Thanks for being a warrior.

Thank you for the kind words my friend, I really appreciate it and I'm very glad you liked my post. Thanks again @vangelov

Interesting stuff! Have you read anything from Alan Moore? He seems to be right up your alley... I suggest you also look into quantum theory of mind, it seems to echo a lot of the intuitions you have

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, I really appreciate it! I haven't read any Alan Moore but upon your recommendation I will be sure to look into his writing. I have looked into and written about the quantum mind and you're right it's a fascinating hypothesis that has it's roots in the ancient esoteric but equally seems to be taking hold in modern science. Thanks again @johndoe69

What do you know about the bejeweled network of Nindra?

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