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RE: Part 2: Abstractions In A World Of Distractions: The Universal Mind & The Complexification Of Infinity

in #philosophy7 years ago

As a child I was given the 'Atlas of the Universe' and I remember wondering whether our universe was contained in the dirt under someone's fingernails or in the handle of a kettle. The concept of every human brain that has ever and will ever exist being a universe not just similar but the same as what we see when we look through a telescope is an interesting one when you consider the collective conciousness theory.

Could the 'God' that people claim to have had contact with through prayer be the brain of a being we are immersed in and interpret as a universe?

I will state at this juncture that I'm really stoned right now!

If so then are we not each akin to our perceptions of God walking around with our own universe inside our heads?

Man! This weed is trippy!!

It's said our Universe is many billions of years old which is a long time for anyone to live however our perception of time is irrelevant when you consider the mayfly. Living for only one day may sound a very short time to us however to the mayfly it's a lifetime.
With that being said its makes sense to me as I sit here wasted that the universe could be a living brain, ultimately living for eternity when compared to our timespan of conciousness.
Am I making sense? I'm pretty sure I'm rambling! We'll have to pick this up in Discord another night.
I'm sure if there are any other stoners reading this right now they're agreeing with me or pissing themselves laughing!
Mind blowing post dude.


Haha Thanks for the excellent comment my friend. looks like you were having a fun night ;) But yes I can really see where you're going with this! I remember having similar thoughts as a child, in fact when I used to think about a multiverse and I used to imagine it as bubbles in Gods bath :D .. Indeed if we're living inside a brain, then perhaps our brains are brain cells! each one independent but feeding back information to the collective!

The concept of time is a fascinating one for it's all relative to your perception of that moment in time. Like your excellent mayfly analogy, indeed within the life of said fly a second could be a minute and an hour a day. One of the key components within altered states of consciouness (be they sensory deprivation, psychedelics. meditation, repetition) is that people experience anomalies with their perception of time. Again a minute may feel like hours or aternatively hours may feel like minutes, this is fascinating because it hints at the potential of time perception being nearly as important as time itself. Equally it's my belief that in stepping out of synch with the earthly cycles (higher time) our perception of time has been distorted and so we have disconnected ourselves from the natural cycle of time and enslaved ourselves to the clock. I mean how many times do we hear the words "there isn't enough hours in the day" well in many ways our technology and the fast pace of life has further exasperated our time perception. Too busy to sit down for those moments of contemplation, too absorbed in TV to think. Society has changed and continues to alter time perception, I mean a tribe living in the Amazon has the same 24 hours to play with but I bet there perception of those hours is vastly different to ours. Now I'm unsure if I'making sense and I haven't even smoked! lol Thanks for the epic comment dude, as always your words and support are very much appreciated!!

Phew! What a relief. I'm not insane!
I knew you'd be able to work with my thoughts dude 😜

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