A Redder Shade of Pale and a Blue Too

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Back to Beijing for a brief visit.

This time let's contrast both the Red and the Blue

Studies3old computer pics 874.JPG

but also the Old and the New!

old computer pics 883.JPG


inside and outside

Stuck in the Duality of it All

ouzo and out,


For all their ambivalence, they are able to become one. Do you want to get away from duality to shadows? That OK, in the shadows they all the more are United. The shadow makes the red and blue - just gray. And old and new - only silhouette. So all the duality is in our head and in our view of things.

From this:

yin and yang

to this:


Yin, Yang & Yung

The Threeness of it All


Every white has its own black, and every sweet has its own bitterness. This English proverb also fits both red and blue, old and new. Everything in this world is relatively :)

Yeah, but instead of the duality, I'm trying to experience the Threeness of it All these days :-)


I have this tattooed on my arm.

Yeah good . Every thing has two sides which is certain. Like day and night. Two opposites but one at a time. That shadow is giving a great effect @onceuponatime

you are on an inner path toward spiritual wholeness...

I like both shots, especially the surprising shadow cast of the pyramid! Great idea!!!

Namaste :)

Great idea, yeah, but who thought of it? The camera must have been thinking for itself that day!

Is it real or am I seeing things at the end of the day.
I really find this architecture very peculiar, like it's from the future.

The future comes around every once in a while :-)

That was a good one)

The future comes around every once in a while :-)

Just the way it looks, it really stands out among everything else around it lol.

Well, it does. I've seen the future come around once or twice myself.

Yea, it happens onceuponatime or twiceuponatime in life...

Twiceuponatime, in a land far far away, there was a very sad potato kidd whom none of the other potato kidds would play with cause he looked "different". But then he found out he was a yam, and lived happily ever after. Until I ate him.

What a tragic, happy and sad story at the same time lol.
I'm sure that potato never regretted anything in his life. And also didn't blame you for eating him, because he was really delicious :D

Dear once. Happy seen a new post from you after a long time.

I am a photographer, you know that.

In photography, there is always a speech about thirds.
The reason is that you can have better balance and control than if you had 2 sides. This is a rule available in our lives too. If you have only 2 points, you will be able to make only 1 road to make a contact. If you have 3, there is available 2 possibilities in each point.

Old, new... Red, blue.

Old and new are 2 stages of the present. Old is the past present and new is the incoming.
Blue and red... You have the two basic colors right? You forgot the third one... Yellow. And not to forget, yellow is the sun. Blue is the water and red is the eath...

Peace and out my friend.

Yup, I'm desperately trying to break out of the Duality and get in to the Threeness of it All.
Stay tuned.

I wish you good luck :)

Their architect is awesome, I have heard that, but the statues of thr God's look incredible , amazing how big and beautiful they make them ... you making me see Beijing I hv never seen before

That building looks sturdy. It's almost like they want to protect what's inside for some strange reason.

What is the name of that place?

It's one of the buildings from the Beijing Olympics. I think it might be the communications center. I told another commenter that it was the Aquatic Center, but then I remembered that this was the Aquatic Center (with the famous Bird's Nest building behind it):

old computer pics 886.JPG

I see, I see. They spared no expense and got incredibly creative when they designed these buildings. I suppose windows weren't in style though. I like that massive brick-like structure though. Simple, yet complex.

Like you? (simple, yet complex)(with a hint of wild cherry and notes of cinnamon)

Yeah, except those ingredients are cigarettes and coffee.

Do you have a smooth, velvety finish?

No. I'm incomplete.

You've just not yet met the coffee or cigarette that will complete you. They are out there somewhere.

wwoooowww! This one is very best! you captured it from a building or plane?

From a hotel room:

old computer pics 891.JPG

Now i can understand. i yhink its a huge long building. You stay wich number of floor?
i think 20th floor!!

I can't remember which floor. But 20 sounds nice.

I think so. i have a funny qustion for you!!!
Have you ever been to Cape Town? Your looks seem so familiar!

wow! What a nice view! i think you enjoying so much that time.

LOVE CHINA!!!!!!! ❤❤❤

What a Beauuuutiful building!!! That kind of architecture is so Classic even though it's sooo old!!
What is it?
Nice photo @onceuponatime!

That's the Temple of Heaven, kinda like the Emperor's private chapel :-)

You look like a china people! just kidding!!

Now why would you kidd about something like that? Why not be nice and say that I almost look Czech? :-)

hahaha.. next time try to say this!!

but one more thing, you look like a Obama!

Red and Blue create Purple!!!!
My favourite colour! !
Love the first picture!!! ☺

Somehow I just knew that purple would be your favorite color!
(So, if I "see red", will that make my blue eyes purple?)

Hehe I am sure if you see red you're eyes will turn into purple magic!!
Like Liz Taylor's eyes!!! They were having that divine purple-lilac color!!!!!
So unique! So beautiful! !!

Well, I remember being so angry one time that I could have lit fires with my eyes, but I don't know about purple :-)

LOL 😂!!!! I can picture the whole look!!!
I am sure some fierce purple eyes would much it 😉!!!

"Somehow"? hehehe Seeing is believing.
Anyway, the second picture is a wonder.

That's the story of my life. Always playing second fiddle to a second picture.

Oh really? And you have reasons for that, I suppose?

No reasons. It's all accidental.

In Master Oogway's voice "there are no accidents" ;-)

Photo: http://kungfupanda.wikia.com

Did you visit Beijing? Nice color contribution entire lovely captures @onceuponatime.

Yes. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Old and new ... humanity has a very different idea. They get something new. They will not like it after a while. The only reason for this is outdated. But things that are older than him are liked because of his escape. And they want it.

You are probably right. I'm probably left. (Just kidding)

Thanks for comment .. Nice post :)

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