Life and Death

in #philosophy6 years ago


We are born into this already eternally living and running world and at some point we can think and act independently as if life and existence were self-evident.

Imagine you go to sleep tonight and wake up the next day in a moving train. In this situation no human would act normally and continue his daily life without answering the question who put you in the moving train and why? But why don't we question this moving train?

Why don't we question this whole existence more?

After the birth in our first years after where we have developed a stable consciousness, we are so preoccupied with our needs and everyday interpersonal problems, that we are not asking ourselves the basic questions.

Why do we live? We know everything possible. We have an explanation for everything. But for what we do most and continuously, namely life, we have no explanation. We know one hundred percent that every life is finite, but why do we care so little about death?

One is dead longer than alive...
Don't we know how unscrupulous time is and can be?

The whole system around us has the most influence on us.
Imagine you were born on a lonely island. Your only goal would be to survive. Wouldn't you be much more curious about everything? Wouldn't you be fascinated by the animal world? Wouldn't you rather ask yourself what the world as a whole looks like? Wouldn't one then question the sun much more or live life much more passionately? But in this system in which we live, we always have to be there, have the latest equipment, listen to the latest music, know the latest hits, in's and out's, stay on the ball to e up to date...

We are on average 70 years here in this world. What should our goal be? Why do we consider it so unlikely that there would be a goal? Is the goal simply to enjoy life? What do you have of past enjoyment? Especially when you are dead? We have to get a good job in order to have money for everything material. That's why in the first and most important 20 years of our lives we turn to school, where all knowledge about the world is put into us worthless, so that we consider it as already solved and taken for granted?

In such a world we have no time to think.

So the question really arises whether the people who design this system want us not to think about it?
Thoughts are ways to truth. What truth do they hide from us? Today's life system has not developed this way by chance. Everyone will ultimately experience the death, when his/her time has come.

Actually, people want it to go on after death. The thought that our consciousness simply disappears is very frightening for many. When you think about the fact that at some point you are no longer there. Everything has done for nothing. That can make you afraid.

If you look roughly at nature, hoping to find some signs about life after death, you can interpret some everyday things that we actually don't consider interesting.

Life has already given us a foretaste of death, namely daily falling asleep. As if one were dying and then resurrecting, nature wants to tell us something every day by sleeping and waking up again. One regards life as a dream, dying as waking up, but so far nobody who woke up, i.e. died, has come back and told us that there is something after death.
After all, we can't go back to a dream and tell the people in the dream that there is another reality. On some days a very nice almost heavenly dream is interrupted and we wake up and are sad because the dream was broken off. And we know very well that we will not dream the same dream or continue it when we fall asleep again. The dream and the world created by our brains and everything around it is definitely gone.

Being tired of life every day, falling asleep as if you were dying. Sleeping while everything is dark and then resurrecting with the rising sun.

It also seems as if the seasons want to remember us something, every time we get a year older. To come into the world, to be reborn, to flower bloom, so much life comes into the world. The fresh atmosphere that tastes of rebirth. Looking forward to the coming years. hopes are born. Young and self-confident. Wonderful weather. Nature shows its most beautiful side. There is a lot going on. Everything looks optimistic. Unforgettable times. The most beautiful phase. Everything is somehow active and young and positive. Then it gets colder. Like the trees lose their leaves, we lose hair. The body slowly goes down the creek. It gets dark. We know that we are slowly but surely entering a sad phase. It snows and everything becomes white and as we get grey hairs, trees are covered with snow. It is cold and there is nearly no life Everything is dead. The atmosphere makes us hopeless. The body is at the end of its strength. You wait for the only surefire in life.
We die.

The seasons go on. It will be spring again.
...and new life will blossom with it...

This is the true nature of life, but will it be the same with us?



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Imagine you were born on a lonely island. Your only goal would be to survive. Wouldn't you be much more curious about everything?

It's very true! Sam Harris talks about this in one of the lessons from his "Waking Up" app, I think it is called "The Problem of Boredom" or something. He suggests that boredom is essentially impossible if you remain mindful, because even watching one's internal emotions can be amazingly interesting.

I agree although it's easy to forget... and stare into instagram for hours...

that's why I try to make art on my phone using a pixel art app, rather than opening up a social media app, when I get the antsy feeling.

we humans do many things unconsciously out of routine or habit.
very nice, that you become aware of your boredom and try to get out of the routine! ;)

just for my two-satoshi thought.... i agree with you.. live is to - fill the blank all we want to do - and in the end, die. that's reality.. if somehow reincarnation is true... repeat the cycle... same way just like you said, everyday we wake up, what we wanna do? where we wanna go? who is i will be meet? after that, we going to sleep when feel tired.. then cycle repeat..

it's already in motion and i cant denied it.. even if someone or some force can alter the reality, such as; someone found a medicine to live forever.. i dont think it will end so well or atleast it would be interesting to imagine what happen to a person that can handle the burden of life it self and soon end up die anyway.. or simple example of someone try to change the cycle ; just breath and dont inhale..

cycle is a rule and whether like it or not, must follow..
"“If there were no beginnings and if there were no endings, we would have the absence of inertia and the presence of stagnation.” Craig D. Lounsbrough,...


Peace and thank you for your words :)

First of all, there are some cultures who regard death differently, though for brevity you may have not delved into this subject and secondly many of us do dream the same dream sometimes, or a continuation. Have you tried lucid dreaming?

For example, the tibetans worship death in their own way. the ancient egyptians did the same. some natives still do today... i don't know yet but maybe at a later time i will make an extra article about it in mixture with mythologies. let's see...

yes, you're right @lucyho. sometimes we dream dreams, which are almost the same but not exactly the same. they differ in details and the feeling what you have in these dreams is different... therefore no dream is always the same. and if you dream one dream further on, details are missing or something is there a difference... the brain never produces the same dream twice. that is an impressive phenomenon.

i have tried lucid dreaming a few times and if i became aware in my dream that i am dreaming, i always woke up :))))

I like the image quote. Most people think life is about work, and impressing others. Everyone is just trying to impress everyone else.

Meanwhile some of the biggest questions in life go ignored, mocked or ridiculed. I'm new here, and my content will be addressing these topics Nice to meet you all.

my experience is that the people who ignore the essentials to bring what they are doing here as important are always the most unfortunate people in the end.

and welcome to steemit @logicaldiscourse!

Life and death are both part & parcel of human existence, we can never eschew either of the two.

Maybe life is a cycle, there is a philosophical view of reincarnation. But for now, as a young adult I must enjoy and live life to fullest because we only live once.. :)

enjoy it dude! ;)

I believe that each person has a purpose in life, but many do not discover it because the system has them too busy to think about the most important things.

like i think about it

The fact is we can't know and understand fully, most especially about life and death, much more about heaven, hell and God.

An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and said, "Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger."
The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, "What would you want to talk about?"
"Oh, I don't know," said the atheist. "How about why there is no God, or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death?" as he smiled smugly.
"Okay," she said. "Those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff – grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?"
The atheist, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence, thinks about it and says, "Hmmm, I have no idea."
To which the little girl replies, "Do you really feel qualified to discuss God, Heaven and Hell, or life after death, when you don't know shit?"
And then she went back to reading her book.

I like this post! Our life is too short and we usually spend it doing things that are not eternal

we spent to much time for unimportant things, but what is important and what not?
we shouldn't judge about that either, because every human feels something as important differently than another one.
such things are mostly very difficult...

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